LoNCole Member


  • W5D1 was rough but day 2 seemed much easier. I will be doing my day 3 run tomorrow with not just my one yr old in the stroller like normal but my 4 yr old will be going with me on his bike. It should be interesting! I feel like the little engine that could because all I run thru my head is 'I think I can! I think I can!'
  • I'm running it in Richmond too on Sept 15th. It's my first 5k and and I am super excited.
  • I would love a 13 min mile! That's great. W4d2 went much better than the first day. I am glad I amm sticking with it. Somedays I feel like it's the only thing keeping me sane! Great job everyone!
  • Thanks for the laugh this morning! And good for you for sticking with it!
  • W4d1 done this morning. Glad to have it behind me and glad to know I can do it. I hope it makes Wednesday's run easier.
  • Awesome job! This will be me on sept 15th.
  • You can so do this! I am also doing the c25k and just finished week 3 and start week 4 on Monday. I am signed up for a 5k on the 15 th of Sept., I will have just finished week 7. You should have just finished week 8 and should do great in your 5k! Just stick with it! Feel free to add me and we can check up on each other. :)
  • I'm doing the c25k program now and love it! I have my first 5k is sept, the color run. I would love so more running friends. After I finish the c25k program I have no clue what to do next.
  • I am 5'5 138lbs and my Nike + app has me burning around 170-190 each run. I just finished week 3. I don't have a HRM so that's as close as I can get.
  • Just finished w3d3 this morning. Felt good but I should not have looked at w4d1 yet! Feeling nervous already! Glad I have a two day break to get ready. I am already seeing a change in my family. My mom is now motivated to get out and walk and so is my four year old who went on a two mile walk with me yesterday with no…
  • W3d2 done. Made it through. Not as good as day 1 but I stil feel good about it.
  • I go 2 miles every run and I hope to go further with each week.
  • Right now I am using the Nike + app to get my distance and pace on my runs and it calculates calories burned in the app too. Although I do want to get a HRM to be more accurate since the Nike + app does not calculate the jogging stroller I am pushing on my runs and I am just using the cardio sit ups to estimate my P90X…
  • I started it 3 weeks ago and am loving it. It helps that I signed up for the color run 5k right at the end of my program so I have to stick with it! Go for it!
  • Just finished w3d1. I was dredding it this morning thinking I could never make the three min runs but I did some major pep talks while I was running and I made it through both ! I actually was smiling after the last one! I can wait for day 2! I'm still pretty slow my average mile was 14:40. But it's about a minute less…
  • I have those last few pounds of baby weight sticking around.
  • I am 5'5 and I have been told by multiple drs not to get below 122. It's not healthy. I would suggest adding some straight training, maybe toning up will help get you where you want to be.
  • Finished w2 this morning. The last two runs were harder, but I blame it on running into the wind :( I felt like I was doing worse than my other two runs this week but I ended up cutting 30 secs off my mile time. Not much but I will take it! Excited for next weeks run!
  • At 9 months the only things my boys drank were either breast milk or water. My now 4 yr old asks for water and my 15 month old loves it too. I would cut the juice out, as long as he's eating fruit there's no need for it.
  • Did W2D2 this morning and felt great. Is anyone else running with a jogging stroller? My arms feel like they are getting quite the workout too! My friend and I just signed up for The Color Run on sept 15th, so I will have just finished week 7. I am so excited to have this to look forward too and keep me going! Anyone else…
  • Made it thru W2D1! It felt pretty good!
  • I finished W1D3 today and feel great. I'm excited to start week2. My schedule is MWF mornings while my oldest is in preschool. After my 'run' I do ab ripper x from p90x and on my days 'off' I am trying to work my arms and legs.
  • Hi, I'm Lauren, 28 and momma of two boys. I have never been a runner but have been told cardio is the only way for me to lose these final stubborn baby pounds. So I just finished the first week of c25k and I feel great but would love some support. No plans to run a 5k yet but am looking forward to not hesitating to sign up…