

  • good job, you're looking great - much younger and happier!! keep it up! :)
  • On weekdays I eat breakfast usually about half an hour after I get up. On weekends sometimes I don't eat breakfast until a few hours after I wake up. I eat it at home. :)
  • Haha, I agree with this man. Nigella and Christina are especially bangin'. Mmm :)
  • Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I'll definitely look for some flaxseed next time I'm out shopping. :)
    in fiber Comment by chloizzle January 2012
  • You can't get that cereal where I live unfortunately :( I do eat Sultana Bran though and I like it. I hadn't thought about mixing it into yoghurt, I'll try that, it sounds nice. I drink over 8 glasses of water a day every day so I don't think that's an issue. I still get lots of problems though! Thanks for the tips anyhow.…
    in fiber Comment by chloizzle January 2012
  • This! But it's not just Doritos, although they are my favourite... I can demolish bags of Cheetos, Pringles, Twisties, anything I feel like, I'm not exactly picky when it comes to potato chips. They are my downfall :(
  • I love a good ol' iced mocha.
  • I'm like this too... I just had some noodles about ten minutes ago but I'm already thinking about what to eat next - I think I'll have an apple and some greek yoghurt!
  • Don't hurt yourself when you get off your high horse now, okay? To OP - I'd probably go for a fry up type deal but a little healthier - poached eggs, wholewheat toast, baked beans etc. No buttery mushrooms or really fatty bacon or anything! Or maybe pancakes? Mmm pancakes.
  • I'm not going to worry that much about going over my cals, but I'm not going to go crazy. Sensible portions and all of that. :) I'll log if I can be bothered but honestly I don't care that much! It's christmas and I want to enjoy it!! But I'm only taking christmas day off because then it's going away for the new year and…
  • Moderation is key! One of those brownie packs would have been fine, you know? Maybe next time try getting one and putting the rest somewhere out of reach so that if takes effort to get them. Then you might be less inclined to eat them? Don't beat yourself up about it though, as hard as it is. It happens to everyone. The…
  • We usually make a nut roast/loaf, yorkshire puddings, then a whole bunch of veggies - boiled carrots, peas, broccoli and cauliflower with cheese sauce, roast potatoes, roast veg (parsnip, carrot etc), vegetarian stuffing... All with vegetarian gravy. Yum! :) Sometimes we have prawn cocktails for starters.
  • 6" veggie patty on wheat with cheddar, lettuce, cucumber, carrot, red onion w/ italian dressing. So good!
  • You can still eat foods you love, but the key is portion control, healthier options and moderation. Set a goal of trying one new food a week, be it a vegetable or a fruit or whatever. I guarantee you will find healthy foods you enjoy if you try everything out there! And sometimes you might like something cooked one way but…
  • I love Sultana Bran. Mainly for all its fibre, haha.
  • Try podcasts! I like listening to comedy ones, like 8 Out Of 10 Cats. I also read when I don't feel like listening to music or podcasts.
  • Hi all! I'm Chloe, 17, originally British but now living in Auckland! I'm pretty new to MFP but am enjoying it so far. I'm 173cm and 75kg and my long term goal is to lose about 10kg. My short term goal is to lose maybe 4kg over the summer so I can go back to school looking fabulous. :) My diet isn't too bad but my main…
  • I get irritable too! I get so grumpy and snappy when I'm hungry! I feel sorry for my boyfriend sometimes :P
  • I think Christina Hendricks has a gorgeous face and a great body - I love that she has curves!
  • Yep, there are some that eat fish but not other animals - like me. They're called pescetarians! :)
  • Thanks for all the helpful advice! I'll definitely make sure to incorporate some pectoral exercises when I start getting really into the strength training. And I definitely sympathise with the boobs getting in the way of exercise dilemma! And it's so hard finding good bras to support them as well. Ah, we lead difficult…
  • I'm looking to lose about 20lbs. :) I feel you about the NZ summer, all my friends have such good beach bodies and it makes me feel like a whale!
  • Newbie from Auckland here. :)