Goal: 119lbs (33lbs to go!) - looking to chat to anyone in a

Would love to chat regularly to anyone who's got a similar goal! I'm 27 and am 5'7" and just want to fit my clothes from last year! I'm at the heaviest I've ever been (which, I realize, is still within the "normal" range), but my tummy and hips are much bigger than I'm happy with! Plus I'm looking to get a tattoo on my thigh soon, but my thighs are also pretty big at the moment! I am living in New Zealand so we're just going into summer but I don't feel particularly swimsuit comfortable yet.

I joined the gym two weeks ago and have been calorie counting for about a week now and I've been doing pretty ok so far, I think!


  • mochalovies
    mochalovies Posts: 192 Member
    you can add me. I would love to drop about 20-25lbs and have godzilla thighs too! lets doo eet!
  • pkarim
    pkarim Posts: 171
    I need to drop about 20!
  • evanyjade
    Hey! I have only got one friend on here so far and I figure the more people I have to motivate and support, the more I'll get in return! I am also within my "healthy" BMI but I'm striving towards the lower end of that, which means anywhere from 10-30 more pounds to go. My initial goal was 130lbs, but I really just want to get to a point where I feel good about myself and confident. If that happens at 130lbs, great! If not, I'll keep trying until I get there. I started a running program called C25K (couch to 5k) and I am finally able to run 30 minutes! (I could not even do 2 minutes to start).

    I also am looking to get a tattoo, although it will be my first and I'm planning on getting it on my torso so I want a physique worth showing off! I'd love to keep in touch with you and see how your weight-loss journey is going, and perhaps we can help each other reach our goals. :)

    PS I LOVE DISNEY! I'm an animator in Vancouver, Canada and the Lion King is seriously the reason I chose this career path
  • cycle_queen
    cycle_queen Posts: 49 Member
    I`m 5`3, 27 years old and live in Canada. I started off at 158 and my end goal is to be 135 pounds and then from there I will reevaluate my goals. You can add me if you`d like! :)
  • niicolemariies
    niicolemariies Posts: 55 Member
    Hi! I'm 20 and 5'2. Starting weight was 198 as of last year. Currently at 149. Looking to lose 30 more pounds. Feel free to add me! :D
  • zesss
    zesss Posts: 36
    Haha, I have a skinny boyfriend with grrr metabolism too! And that is amazing - what an awesome job :) I just got The Lion King on DVD and have been having wonderful sing-a-longs :)

    119lbs is my "dream" weight - but now that I'm going to the gym, I'm not so concerned with the number - I just want to feel good and not uncomfortable with my body. C25k sounds awesome - I am not a big runner at all, but I think I'd really like to be able to run without getting exhausted practically right away!

    I'd love to hear about your tattoo ideas :)
  • PetitePerfection
    PetitePerfection Posts: 199 Member
    I'm 18, 5'6" and my "goal weight" is 117lbs. But no number is "the number" for me, if I gain muscle and weigh say 125 but look 115, I'll be happy! My current weight is 126lbs, so I'm not too far, but this is almost the heaviest I've ever been (heaviest was 127)
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    My goal is 115. C: I got 15 more to go. We can do it!
  • chloizzle
    I'm looking to lose about 20lbs. :) I feel you about the NZ summer, all my friends have such good beach bodies and it makes me feel like a whale!
  • zesss
    zesss Posts: 36
    I know that I'm not "fat" - but I've put on about 40lbs since last July, so in just under a year and a half. I was way too skinny back then, but that's way too much weight to be putting on in such a short amount of time. I have a tummy that I never used to have, and I just feel a bit gross. I just want to be able to fit my old clothes and not feel quite so lumpy!
  • maaadde
    maaadde Posts: 90 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'8 and 141 lbs. I'm looking to go down to about 120-125 lbs so I guess we have pretty similar goals!
  • zesss
    zesss Posts: 36
  • SuddenlyPickles
    Feel free to add me! I'm 5'7" and aged 27. My goal is 120 -- at 125 right now and these last five pounds have been a KILLER. Bah!
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    I see there are alot of us with really similar stats (age, height, and goal weight). We should start a group together....I've joined with some other people before but having a group that is in the same range as me would really help me out

    I'm 5'7", 29, and want to be around 125 (25 pounds lighter)
  • heyitskaydee
    heyitskaydee Posts: 27 Member
    add me! I'm 5'4 and 140lbs :P freshman fifteen was the death of me... so i'm looking to be 125 by summer!! I NEED to fit into that bikini again ;) well yeah add me! i usually try to work out 3-4 times a week (busy schedule) and i tryyyy to eat right but I'm kinda a stress eater... but i think i can definitely be a good motivator!!!