RaeLB Member


  • deadlift bench press squats
  • The right chiropractor is a celestial being. However, I've been to chiropractors that I think do unnecessary work. I went a chiropractor who wanted me to come 3x a week for 2 years and I was like hahaha no. He actually made me feel more pain than what I came in with. He was a total scam artist in my opinion. I also went to…
  • bananas, bell peppers, bread, peanut butter, almond or soy milk ohhh and tofu!
    in Grocery List Comment by RaeLB June 2014
  • Whaaa? A 1000 calorie diet is likely unnecessary. Calculate your TDEE and eat a 20% deficit and you'll lose body fat just fine :smile:
  • rice y'all, I've revived my phone many times although after the 3rd time my phone started being sluggish, I think there comes a time when your phone will give up on you :laugh:
  • mine has been in the toilet and the bathtub and a puddle it doesn't work very well anymore...
  • Losing body fat only comes through a calorie deficit. Maybe your friends had low energy because they had a B12 deficiency so the shots brought their levels back up. But low energy can come from many different sources so I would talk to your doctor about it and get some bloodwork done.
    in B12 Shots Comment by RaeLB May 2014
  • if you're not B12 deficient I don't see why you would need a shot
    in B12 Shots Comment by RaeLB May 2014
  • Lots of chest exercises :smile: working on your pecs might make your breasts look fuller and pull them up a bit http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/a-girls-gotta-bench-chest-workout-and-training-tips.html
  • walking, bus, subway
  • actually margarine typically has whey in it I like Earth Balance
    in Vegan butter? Comment by RaeLB May 2014
  • finding a playmate :bigsmile:
  • Sorry, that probably wasn't helpful. Unfortunately you cannot control where you gain and lose the fat. Your thigh fat might be the slowest place you lose body fat but if you stick with a calorie deficit you'll eventually lose fat there too. What's you exercise routine? You should do some weightlifting to keep your muscle…
  • Unfortunately you cannot spot reduce!
  • No one can censor you but what exactly is your point in coming into threads directed at vegans to make animal-eating jokes? It's funny because there is this reputation that vegans are going around pushing their "vegan-ness" on everyone else - I know some vegans that are like that but I found it is usually the other way…
  • IF you're REALLY determined to do low-carb try focusing on the following: non-dairy yoghurts like soy tofu tempeh seitan nuts seeds leafy veggies stem & flower veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus)
  • You should join this group: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/45-happy-herbivores You're more likely to get your questions answered without defensive meat-eaters coming in to express how much they love their bacon. As others said to lose the fat it's all about calories in and out - carbs are not the devil, actually…
  • Instead of 1 large breakfast I eat 2 smaller breakfasts :smile: (and 2 lunches and 2 dinners - basically I'm a baby and need to eat every 2 hours or I get fussy) Today I had a banana and apple for breakfast #1 and a PB sandwich for breakfast #2 Other common breakfasts for me: oatmeal w/ cinnamon and fruit and/or nuts,…
  • Water comes from anything that has water in it: coffee, tea, juice, pop, fruit, veggies, etc "There's nothing magical about water from a glass of water as opposed to water from a food or any other beverage," Barr said. Drinking caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee do not lead to dehydration, said Dr. Stanley…
    in Water Comment by RaeLB May 2014
  • I did SL5x5 last year and loved it. Then I did All Pro's SBR and liked it at first but eventually got bored of doing the same thing every gym day. Now I'm doing SL5x5 again and I'm happy with it, for now. When I'm more experienced I will probably create my own routine.
    in Woman who lift Comment by RaeLB May 2014
  • Weight machines do not engage the muscles the same way free weights do - free weights build your stabilizer muscles. For example, when you're doing a barbell back squat you're not only squatting with the weight and pushing it back up, your body is also working to keep the bar stable on your back, which builds stabilizer…
  • hahah good one! ... that was a joke right?
  • No free weights?! What is this place? Can you revoke your membership?
  • Yup. Water comes from anything that has water in it: coffee, tea, juice, pop, fruit, veggies, etc MFP really needs to take out the water log in the diary because it perpetuates this 8 glasses of plain water myth. "There's nothing magical about water from a glass of water as opposed to water from a food or any other…
  • I use to hate ALL veggies but many years ago decided to train myself to like them. I thought if I eventually acquired a taste for coffee, wine and other things, why not veggies? I decided to start slow with a couple veggies (the ones I tolerated the most), in small doses mixed into what I liked to eat. I think I started…
  • It sounds like you already know what the problem is.
    in Ugh Comment by RaeLB May 2014