LisaKC Member


  • You might want to check the website, This guy writes about all things related to Garmin. Maybe you can find an answer there???
  • No help here. I plug my Garmin in and the device agent I have is useless.
  • This looks delish. Thanks for posting!
  • Do not quit. Do not give up, ever. This reminds me of a t-shirt I saw at local 10K. This big guy was wearing a shirt that read, "I know I'm slow, but I'm still faster than the guy on the couch."
  • Good point. I gave up adding salt years ago. My husband has high blood pressure, so I don't cook with it. Instead, I use lots of herbs and different kinds of pepper. Your palate will change. Now I can tell when foods are over salted.
  • The Environmental Working Group put together a list of what it calls the "Dirty Dozen," which includes produce items that are most likely to be contaminated. There is also the "Clean Fifteen" list, which includes produce that is least likely to be contaminated. If what I'm buying is on the Dirty Dozen list, I spend the…
  • Please put me in for 80 miles this month. 11/3 - 5.71 miles, running and walking 11/4 - 14.1 miles, cycling
  • I was recently diagnosed with multiple food allergies, so I am focused this week on finding new and creative things to cook for me and my wonderful husband. Tonight will be chicken and peppers in Thai peanut sauce with basmatic rice. Gluten free, dairy free and egg free. I am not happy about the diagnosis, but VERY happy…
  • You might want to get tested for food allergies. I was lactose intolerant for years and years, and then suddenly found myself getting ill often. I learned that I was still lactose intolerant, but also allergic to some dairy products that didn't cause me any grief in the past. Sorry to hear you've been ill. Been there, done…
  • Good for you! I've been GF for about the same amount of time as you. I'm in testing now for various food allergies and decided on my own to try GF, just because I was so tired of feeling lousy and was ready to try anything. I am feeling so much better. The dark circles under my eyes are gone, I have much more energy and my…
  • I'm not sure I agree with this. I am 48 and don't see much of a difference in mine. Invest in a couple of really good running bras and get your run on. A healthy body and confident attitude is always sexy!
  • I agree the salt intake is probably the most difficult part of this. Don't load up on noodles and rice. Go for meats that are not battered and fried. Choose dishes that include lots of veggies. And be sure to drink a ton of water the next few days. You might want to call the restaurant ahead of time and ask if they have a…
  • Regarding lettuce, who says a salad has to include lettuce? I'm pretty sure there isn't a law requiring this. For lunch today I had a salad with cucumber, olives and tomatoes with a little balsamic vinegar. There are lots of other fresh veggie combinations that I think count as "salad." Another one of my favorites is…
  • I'm pretty sure this person has been a guest at some of my parties. ;)
  • Add 3.74 miles to my total.
  • I used to log everything, but since returning to MFP this year, I can't get into it. I am always mindful of what I eat, but have decided not to log at all on weekends. I try during the week, and I do log exercise. For me, I think I need to learn to eat well all the time, and can't see myself logging food into eternity.
  • You don't need all that for 30 day shred. If you have a place to watch the video, you are good to go. I have hardwood floors, and when I did this, I just put a thick towel on the floor. I am planning to do this again in November. It's a good workout and only takes about 20 minutes a day. Good luck with it!
  • Imo, almost any diet will work, but I seriously doubt this will be a sustainable plan for you. If you really aren't able to exercise due to medical reasons, it might be your best bet, but if you are physically capable of any exercise, please do it. There are tons of benefits to exercise, other than weight loss.
  • There are three levels of difficulty. Each includes some calisthenics (push ups, ab crunches), as well as some light weight exercises. If you have a pair of light dumbbells, that's about all you need to do this. It will get your heart rate up and incorporate some toning as well.
  • Brianna, I am also considering a gradual adoption of this plan. I finished the book last night, and like you, I am experiencing food allergies (still in testing, but gluten seems to be the problem for me, and that might not be the only one). I don't think I can switch over all at once, but am starting today to increase the…
  • You are not alone. I am lactose intolerant (have been for years) and am currently in testing for food allergies. While I wait on the test results, I am going gluten free and already feel much better. Hang in there. It can be managed and you can stay healthy and feel good (or at least that's what I'm telling myself :ohwell:…
  • Yes, you can do it. There are three levels, so start with the easiest one. Even if you can't do the whole thing, do as much as you can, and you will be amazed at how quickly you improve. Try it!
  • That's hilarious!
  • I take Osteo-Biflex and it makes a world of difference for me. It seems it either works great for people or not at all.
  • Ok, just found this thread. Not sure if I'm cool enough to hang with this crowd, though. I'm 48, and am back on MFP after being off for about a year. I've been under the weather about a week, but am hoping to get in some running or some time on the bike trainer tonight. Any triathletes here? I also swim.
  • I know not everyone runs with his/her phone, but as a matter of safety, please consider doing so, depending on where you run. I often run trails in the woods. If I were to be injured there, it could be quite a while before someone comes along to help, so I take my phone. Just use common sense on this one.
  • When I run outside, I wear an iFit race belt. It has a place for two small water bottles, and a pocket that is the right size for a cell phone and my keys. It also has a place to attach a race number, so I can use it during races, too. If you get one of these, I strongly suggest you go to a shop and try it out there. They…
  • I don't always log on the weekend. But I don't lie about what I eat, because my diary is closed. It's there for me. I either get results or I don't.