I stink at running!! Really :/

Really lol
I am training for a 5k and am on week 4 of the C25K program (run 1/4 mile, walk 1/4 mile, run 1/2 mile, walk 1/2 mile and repeat).
My fastest pace this week has been 15 min/mile averaging a 3.5 mph pace.
I know this stinks! Is it even worth it?
I really do like running. In high school I ran track but was a sprinter (100yd and 200yd dash, relays). I have never had endurance.
I feel bummed because everyone seems to be doing <10 min miles.
Should I give it up and try something else?


  • i hated running too and always thought i could never do it. but than i started running last week and started out saying i was only going to run a 1/2 mile, and reached my goal than next it was a mile that i challenged myself to and completed that. now i am up to 2 miles straight without stopping, something i dont think i have ever done in my life time. just going to the gym and challenging myself have been making me reach my goals! Good luck!!
  • CoronerKris
    CoronerKris Posts: 57 Member
    Id say stick with it....I could barely run when i first started and it took awhile to finally build up endurance but now im training for a half marathon this April so as someone who wanted to give up but stuck with it I definitely think its worth continuing on.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    If you enjoy it, keep at it. I was a sprinter in high school, and man did I b*tch b*tch b*tch about running anything over 800m. Now I'm a marathoner. Speed will come back when you get your endurance built up.
  • jennmariepantoja
    jennmariepantoja Posts: 145 Member
    Thanks :)
    I will keep at it, I am excited about the 5k. I can finish the 1/2 mile run without feeling like I am going to die. I just am bummed because I am so slow.
    On my last run, my 8 year old was walking faster than I was jogging!
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    Here's how it went with me: when I started running, my son used to walk along with me, too. But, you know, eventually he kept falling behind and would have to run to catch up. Then he had to run with me. Long story short--we did 5 half marathons together before he decided to stop running. And in the meantime, I went from a 45+ minute 5K to my current record of 33:17 (10:43 pace).

    I'm still slow, compared to others. But I'm faster than I used to be, and I'm still doing it--the faster is good, but the still doing it is the important part.
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    Do not quit. Do not give up, ever.

    This reminds me of a t-shirt I saw at local 10K. This big guy was wearing a shirt that read, "I know I'm slow, but I'm still faster than the guy on the couch."
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Everyone stinks at running when they first start. When I was getting restarted a little over 2 years ago 3 miles at 12 min/mi was a max effort workout. Last fall I ran 26 miles at 8:06/mi.

    Keep at it consistently and it will get easier and you will get faster.
  • hula808
    hula808 Posts: 172 Member
    If you like it then its worth it.
    I was a sprinter too. Never endurance.

    Just a little piece of my experience.... I also started with the C25K A YEAR AGO and I have only broken 5k in under 30 minutes once. When I started I couldnt run from telephone pole to telephone pole. Now 9k is a fun run. Its worth it...dont stress, its a process : )
  • CrimeanGurl
    CrimeanGurl Posts: 103
    At least you're sticking to C25K program. I've started it at least 5 times and have never gone past week 4. I think, I'll give it another try and if it fails will finally give up on the idea of ever turning myself into a runner.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Do not quit. Do not give up, ever.

    This reminds me of a t-shirt I saw at local 10K. This big guy was wearing a shirt that read, "I know I'm slow, but I'm still faster than the guy on the couch."
    i love it!

    who cares if you're slow? running 1/2 a mile still makes you a winner.
  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    Running *is* hard. I feel like that's the one piece of advice I can give new runners- it's so basic, but I feel like it gets lost amid talk of runner's highs and PRs and whatnot.

    That said, if you love it, keep at it. I find that while it can be hard at first, improvements can come fairly quickly as well, especially if you push yourself.
  • jackieomara
    jackieomara Posts: 119 Member
    I'm starting week 4 tomorrow! I've tried c25k in the past but never got past week 4 or 5..determined to follow through this time though. It'll definitely be worth it to push through. Have you tried running for time rather than distance? This way it doesn't matter how fast you go!
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Not everyone is running 10 min miles, bench pressing 220 lbs, or shooting 80% from the free throw line.
    Developing a particular skill requires focus and consistency. Like hula808 wrote, it's a process.
  • weatheredcheese
    weatheredcheese Posts: 112 Member
    Keep going, the pace will soon come with the distance
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Running is hard, but rewarding.

    10 minute miles are FAST, I'm way from that pace! But shaving even seconds off your best time takes a lot of work.

    It's not about what anyone else can do - the only person you have to beat is the voice inside your head.
  • iamlaprell
    iamlaprell Posts: 71 Member
    I understand how you feel! I have recently started adding running to my walks and I have downloaded a C25K app but I can't even get through the full first day because my endurance just isn't there yet for running! I have always had problems with shin splints even while walking so it's not that surprising, but I am not giving up! I hope to do a 5K one day and honestly I won't care how long it takes me to cross the finish line as long as I do cross it!

    So I say, it doesn't matter how long it takes, just keep running!
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    So many of us struggle with finding something we LIKE, much less that we are good at (although that certainly helps you like it)... If you enjoy it, why give up? You'll likely improve with time and work, and even if you don't, you already said you enjoy it! Have fun!
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    Stick with it!!!! My first 5K took me 46 minutes. My last - 34. I'm not fast still, but I've learned first you build endurance (get to where you can do a full 5K) then work on speed. It'll come, but with running you really have to be patient!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Slow down! I don't believe there's a speed requirement for running, unless you plan on winning the race. I don't run to win, I run to finish. I don't worry too much about my speed compared to others, but I do like to race against MYSELF. Just focus on being the best runner YOU can be, and don't worry about comparing your performance to some outside ideal. Just focus on endurance at first, no matter how slow you shuffle. Work on speed later. Personally, I think it's cooler to maintain a turtle pace for miles than it is to crazy sprint for 40 yards and then burn out - unless you're doing intervals - which I do as part of my training. :flowerforyou:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    If you like, then who cares? It's not a competition.
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    Keep at it! When I first started running, I did C25K and my running pace was 4.5 mph. That was 8 months ago. My current average pace is 6 mph. It takes time and practice!
    FUELERDUDE Posts: 150 Member
    Keep at it, and focus on yourself. By getting out and moving and trying, you are well ahead of many others (Many don't try at all.). If you feel you are slow compared to others, then race against yourself and celebrate even 1 second off of your time or a .1 mile increase in distance/endurance. Congratulations on getting out there and doing it and I hope you continue.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    You don't stink!...you are a champion, every step you take is one step closer to your goals.You will never win if you don't start.
    It will become easier and if already enjoy it, you are already over the hardest part.Persistence and determination will take you to the most wonderful of places. cliche cliche etc
  • i started c25k back in august, at nearly 400 pounds ... there were times that i felt like i was barely moving at a walking pace ... BUT, i was STILL running ... maybe i was the slowest runner of all time, but i was still running!! DON'T EVER GIVE UP!!
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Oh dude I'm slow as crap!

    I do a 5k in like 37/38 minutes :(

    In the past I have gotten my 5k down to 31 minutes. The way I did that was running longer distances most of the week and on Friday I'd do a 5k. Every week my 5k got faster. It's like your mind/body knows that 5k is no longer a big deal so you run faster.
  • RonandDi
    RonandDi Posts: 120 Member
    Your only 4 weeks in...give it time. Don't compare yourself to what you did yesterday, compared to a month ago, your flying.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    I'm slow too! Like really slow. I used to be even slower than I currently am. I've raced 2 races where I came in dead last. DEAD LAST! One race, to this very day, I hold the record for being the slowest person to ever finish it. So trust me: I know slow.

    I care, but only in the sense that I'm aware of my slowness. Past that, my options are to either give up in disgrace and disgust, or keep on trucking. Considering how much I love running. And biking. And swimming. And triathlon? I'd much rather just keep on trucking.

    Look - think of golf. How many people do you know who suck at golf but go out there and do it anyway? Probably lots. Golf courses are littered with people who stink up the course but keep doing it because it's fun to them.

    This is how running and triathlon are for me. They're FUN! Yes I may be slow. But WOW!!!, do I love it! The joys I get from training and racing far exceed the displeasure of being slow.

    I hope this helps, from one slowpoke to another.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    The fact is, if running was easy, everyone would do it. It does come naturally easy for some, but most of us have to really work at it. When I first got to the point of running the 5k distance at the end of May a couple of years ago , my 5k time with the jogger was 38:22, 7 weeks later I ran a 5k race with the stroller in 29:52. It just takes practice and you will get faster.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm slow too! Like really slow. I used to be even slower than I currently am. I've raced 2 races where I came in dead last. DEAD LAST! One race, to this very day, I hold the record for being the slowest person to ever finish it. So trust me: I know slow.

    I care, but only in the sense that I'm aware of my slowness. Past that, my options are to either give up in disgrace and disgust, or keep on trucking. Considering how much I love running. And biking. And swimming. And triathlon? I'd much rather just keep on trucking.

    Look - think of golf. How many people do you know who suck at golf but go out there and do it anyway? Probably lots. Golf courses are littered with people who stink up the course but keep doing it because it's fun to them.

    This is how running and triathlon are for me. They're FUN! Yes I may be slow. But WOW!!!, do I love it! The joys I get from training and racing far exceed the displeasure of being slow.

    I hope this helps, from one slowpoke to another.

    <3 it!!

    I've always been a "slow" runner. I don't care. I love running. I didn't even think that I could run. I would say, "Look at my body type (curvy). Does this look like a runner to you?" My husband convinced me that "anyone can run"... and I believed him. That was over 17 years ago. And I keep striving to get faster and faster. If you asked me 17 years ago if I thought that I might run a marathon someday, I would have said, "No way!" Keep at it! You'll never know what you can achieve till you give it your best shot!
  • stutba
    stutba Posts: 152 Member
    I have been running for 1 1/2 years now. I am still very slow. I love to run and would love to get to 10 minute miles (which I would consider FAZT!) I am usually around 12 MM, however, on long runs I have done 14+MM and that is running not walking.
    Bottom line is... some people are slower than others. I hope to become faster, but if I dont... I am ok with that. I love to run so why should I stop just because I am slow.