

  • THANK YOU so much! This is actually the answer to my question. I didn't word it correctly I guess :)
  • Ok - I used the this one and got between 2300-2600 per day. So does that mean on days I work out I need to eat between 2300-2600 calories per day?
  • What day of the week though? Like the first morning of my 6 day workout week? Which would be the day following rest day or does it really matter? Just super frustrating to climb on the scale after having 6 good workouts and 6 good days of nutrition and GAINING 4lbs.
  • I'm starting over today too! After watching Extreme Weight Loss last night, I have set 90 day goals for the next year! Hoping to lose 88lbs total. I lost about 60 2 years ago, then got pregnant with my daughter and gained it all back plus some. I weight now what I weighed the day I delivered my daughter in September 2013!
  • I'm half way through Phase 1 and have continued to do cardio on my off days. I started couch to 5k Saturday and will do it 3 days a week. Listen to your body - last week was my TOM and I just didn't have the extra energy and stuff to do any cardio on top of lifting. We will see how it goes as I continue working through the…
  • I finished Insanity about a month ago. It was brutal but I stuck it out and saw great results from it. I lost about 20lbs and over 20 inches total. I liked Insanity because you rotate video's everyday and it's not the same video every day getting old.
  • I lost around 20lbs and 23 inches doing Insanity. Most of which I lost in the first month. It's crazy how it different for everyone.
  • If I drink anymore water than I am now, I'm going to literally FLOAT away. I drink 100-120 ounces a day!
  • I'm reading A LOT of talk about people feeling "fat" or "bloated" or whatever by the time they finish stage 1. I'm assuming its from your muscle retaining water from the lifting... How long of a break do you have to take for that to go away so you can get accurate measurements after you finish each stage?
  • I just finished Week 1 of Phase 1 and I'm super excited about this program. Week 2 starts tomorrow! One quick question - are you guys adding weight with each workout or do you add weight like each "week"
    in Stage 1 Comment by Lindsay0405 June 2012
  • I saw consistant results all the way through the program. The last week or 2 though I didn't lose any weight. But I only took my measurements at the start, the end of month one and the end of month 2
  • I've had 2 knee surgeries, after the last one in 2009 I was told that I'd never be able to run again, do squats or lunges or walk up stairs without pain. I used that excuse to every advantage I could to not work out. I started working dieting in December and added working out in January. I just finished Insanity 2 weeks…
  • I weighted 215 when I started Insanity and just finished it and weigh 202... I lost 12 lbs and a total of 18.5 inches during Insanity. I had lost around 40 lbs prior to starting Insanity and had been working out for about 90 days. It was hard but you can get through it if you really want too. The last few weeks were HARD…
  • THANK YOU!!!
  • Beach body's insanity will burn some serious calories and tone you up. I'm 5'9 and have lost 53lbs total. I just finished Insanity. I lost almost 20lbs in the 9 weeks I was doing Insanity.