Insanity and Knees vs. P90x

robinskv Posts: 107 Member
I am finished with my first month of Insanity and my knees are feeling it. I love the program and have seen some great changes, but I am wondering if I should continue. Those of you who have completed it, what was your experience? Should I move on to P90x and give them a break?


  • Lindsay0405
    I've had 2 knee surgeries, after the last one in 2009 I was told that I'd never be able to run again, do squats or lunges or walk up stairs without pain. I used that excuse to every advantage I could to not work out.
    I started working dieting in December and added working out in January.
    I just finished Insanity 2 weeks ago. It did take me 10 weeks instead of 9 because I took an week off somewhere close to the middle because my knees were extremly sore. I just did the elliptical at the gym that week.

    My motto with it was just to "modify" what I couldn't do when my knees were really sore. I didn't do some of the jumps to the extremes they did them, I would just do squats.

    My Insanity was very successful for me. I lost close to 20lbs and 23.5 inches off my body in 10 weeks.
  • robinskv
    robinskv Posts: 107 Member
    That is what I was thinking. I think if I take a little more time to do it and modify, I should be fine. I don't want to give up the plan because it works! Did you see more results in the second month?
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Do you typically have bad knees or is it just from Insanity? Maybe make sure your shoes aren't too old and still have some cushioning left. Also what type of surface do you do it on? If it's something with no give like concrete it will wreak havoc on your joints, you could try doing it on a yoga mat.

    I have pretty bad knees and was a little skeptical about Insanity because of the high impact, but it didn't hurt my knees at all.
  • robinskv
    robinskv Posts: 107 Member
    I have a mat that I use and I also got new shoes before i started. I think it is because of all the jumping and the extra weight on me! I am going to keep going. I have a week of rest (of sorts) between months, so we will see how it goes. thanks to all!
  • Lindsay0405
    That is what I was thinking. I think if I take a little more time to do it and modify, I should be fine. I don't want to give up the plan because it works! Did you see more results in the second month?

    I saw consistant results all the way through the program. The last week or 2 though I didn't lose any weight. But I only took my measurements at the start, the end of month one and the end of month 2