

  • Call your doctor and ask for a referral to a nutritionist. Having someone certified in the field can help with all of your questions and can help you plan for your real life( alcohol included). It's a good idea to journal your food for a week or two (no cheating, write down everything that enters your mouth). That way they…
  • Hi Abby. Welcome! I found people on MFP to be encouraging and helpful. Great job joining and starting out on your journey. It's not always easy, which you already know, but every little effort does a body good. Feel free to add me as a friend. I can help with motivation and support. We all need that.
  • I had a close family member try the delivered meals for a while. He found them too bland and found himself adding spices, salt/pepper to all. Then his sodium intake was sky high. Suggestion is to get a sodium free spice blend that you can add if needed. I agree that it will teach you portion control and when you switch…
  • Hi Mark. Welcome! In reading your post I found myself in similar situations with eating out. I usually try to cook but sometimes real life crashes in an I find myself in a restaurant. Usually I plan ahead to what restaurant I go to, look up their menu on line and put int the calories for what I'm going to order. Of course…
  • Welcome! I'm in Austin but also moved to TX from the Midwest. Feel free to add me as a friend. We all need all the support.
  • I also work 12+ hour shifts and have found it difficult to stay on my eating plan. Here is what I do: definitely eat breakfast, take snacks/ meals with you that are high in proteins as they generally make me full longer, and when in doubt I pack a protein shake. As I can always find a bottle of water to mix it with and it…
  • Love this! Good for you for bargaining with Hungry Me! I'm proud of you! Would love to send you a friend request as you've written exactly what I go through on most days.
  • I had a cookie raid in the middle of the night last week. Felt exactly the same. Yes you can feel guilty about it, but you really shouldn't. Today is a new day. Make smart choices today!
  • Hate those people! Can you imagine what their house looks like if that show they are in public?
  • You can do it! I take it one day at a time....and sometimes that seems overwhelming so it's one meals at a time for me on some days. I've been where you are and have been plucking away for a loss of 110# over the last two years. Have patience, do something good for your body everyday and feel free to add me as a friend if…
  • Like you I have found most threads to be "not me". I have worked out with a personal trainer in the past but am scared to lift weights on my own. Hoping that I can support you in your goals and maybe gain some insight into weights from your experience. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Feel free to add me. I've been there too! Everyone needs support.
  • I've recently logged back on and am laughing at your post because I thought the very same thing last week. People here are very friendly, helpful, and motivating. We can do it together. I'll be sending you a friend request.
  • Welcome. This site is great! I have found that the people here are nice and very helpful (as I too lack motivation). Feel free to add me as a friend. We can do it!
    in Hi Comment by CherV96 February 2013
  • Hi! I have been on both WW and this site and recently committed myself to faithfully tallying my food everyday. You will find support here. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • [ [/quote] A friend of mine suggested I throw the foods out, but I know someone else in the house will most likely eat it. Maybe I need to specify a place in the kitchen all of this junk food should go (like behind a closed cabinet door!) [/quote] This is exactly what I do. I designated the lower shelf in the pantry for…
  • This happens to me too when my husband goes to the store "unassisted". In my case my husband understands the reason I want to eat well but in his opinion he doesn't like to see me deprive myself of foods he thinks are fun. Weird? Yes. I've explained the concept of my dieting various times but he will never understand…
  • I wasn't a believer until my trainer used one on my back at the end of a workout. Drove straight to Target and bought one. $20 and worth every penny. Mine came with instructions and suggested uses which maybe helpful for new users. I've also used PVC pipe and found that it is too hard and is painful for me.
  • Feeling exactly the same way today. I'm hoping to have a better day tomorrow. I really take it one day at a time and on those horrible days I take it one meal at a time. You can do it!
  • Round rock area
  • Hi there! I would love to give/ get support. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I would love to give and get support. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I would love to give/get some support. Feel free to add me!
  • I've been there too! This is what works for me (most of the time).... If going out to dinner/drinks I review the menu online for whatever restaurant we are going to and log the calories/ meals of what I want to eat. Somehow this prevents me from veering off my path and making bad choices when faced with the actual menu.…
  • I have this same issue. What works for me: I've learned to let him make his own choices on food when he is at work, often asking what he ate for lunch and making suggestions on healthier options. Sometimes he listens. However, at home I cook healthy meals/snacks and often invite him to exercise with me. It is frustrating…