Foam rollers

Forgive me for breaking the cardinal rule of the intertubeweb but I cannot be bothered to google and sort through the crap.

What are foam rollers?
Who needs them?
Why should I get one?
If I do need one and get one, how do I use it?


  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    They're stretch aids. Really just big, bulky, soft objects you put under various body parts to help stretch them out over something. If you have a particular inflexibility, or are rehabbing a particular muscle/joint, they can be helpful. They're normally used for core stretching (hips, ab/back muscles, etc).
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I use a 4" pvc pipe. Much cheaper and more effective!
  • IndianCat3
    IndianCat3 Posts: 158 Member
    its great for strectchin the sore muscles as well..i did calves one day and i couldn't walk the next day, a friend bought over a foam roller and rolled my calves out and OMG..what a difference..needless to say..i now own one :)
  • I wasn't a believer until my trainer used one on my back at the end of a workout. Drove straight to Target and bought one. $20 and worth every penny. Mine came with instructions and suggested uses which maybe helpful for new users. I've also used PVC pipe and found that it is too hard and is painful for me.
  • bluedevil005
    bluedevil005 Posts: 59 Member
    What are foam rollers? A dense foam cylinder.
    Who needs them? Anyone with muscle soreness/tightness, for any reason. Lots of runners have them, especially distance runners, for working out tight calves and IT bands.
    Why should I get one? While it does hurt like a *****, it helps tight sore muscles a LOT. Unless you can afford to get massages all the time, foam rollers are great for speeding up recovery.
    If I do need one and get one, how do I use it? Target, Walmart, running store, online, etc.

    I love mine. I use it for my entire body, but especially my back and legs. I also have a Tiger Tail, and it's great too.
  • I had heard of these before as well and was in desperate need of something for my sore shoulders last nite. I resorted to using a rolling pin, but God did it feel good. It took out every knot I had in my muscles. My husband looked at me like I had three heads. I was painful, but a good pain. I think I am going to invest in the rollers because it really did feel good on sore muscles.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Foam rollers can hurt like hell, but they definitely help with working out sore muscles. I've always been trying to use one as a warm-up before lifting, though it's hard to get motivated to subject myself to that much discomfort first thing in the morning.