

  • I advise you do go..but dont set yourself up to fail!! if it is possible, can you take some food with you???? I dont think you should deprive yourself of things you love. Have some faith in yourself!! Give it a try!!!
  • Hello!! I am from Colorado as well, and I too have a son in the Military. He is in his 4th week of Marine boot camp!!! I would love to talk and support each other. I sure could use some local help!! Feel free to add me!
  • can take any brownie mix and a a can of black beans, and mix together, than back. you just have to make sure you puree the black beans first before adding the mix!! Really delicious, and you cant tast the black beans!
  • Unfortunately...the boobs, and face are the first places you can see weight loss....:ohwell:
  • I was a member of WW a few years ago and I remember my trainer telling me to eat all your flex points, plus all your activity points...especially if you are working out as hard as you are. I mean, it does make some sense..your body needs fuel to do what we just do it would need extra for any workouts we…
  • If you are talking about the 6 week body makeover..I tried it. Did not do excersises, but followed the food plan for a while...seemed to have worked, but the food is so bland and pretty easy to fall off if you are not totally comitted
  • feel free to add me if you like...can always use new friends
  • Love my popcorn this way...but I like to add a little cinammon as well!!! Yummy!!! :smile:
  • If you like Oatmeal, I have a great on the go oatmeal pancake recipe!!! You will have to spend about 30 min before hand to make them...but recipe makes about 12 pancakes, and 1 serving is about 3 (depending on size you make them)...and they are great to pack and go...with a yogurt or fruit .....Here is the recipes..hope…
  • Amen to that!! =) and since you did not, i say just log the 100!
  • Great suggestions!! I love the part where you suggest besting whomever you with!!! Little competition never hurt anyone!! Great advice!!
    in Hello Comment by mocosa74 August 2010
  • I would have to agree with you on this one....LOOOOOOOOOVE me some peanut butter!!! But I also cant even start to eat...cheese. I do love cheese, especially with crackers.
  • I am right there with you dear!! Having some trouble losing weight, but I am determined not to get discouraged. I have gained/lost the same 5 lbs for the last few month, and after reading some of the posts...decided it is just natural. My clothes are fitting better, despite too much I am chugging on, and…
  • When and if I do have a free day, it is usually Saturdays, after weigh in. But I too try and work in a little splurge when needed, everday...and I usually do it, too! :happy:
  • here are some great ideas too!!! I would also say, instead of just walking on your break...try interval walking or 20 seconds of brisk walking and 40 seconds of jogging, or mix it up with slow/brisk walking. This will help burn calories and…
  • I am beginning to think that is what is going on with me!! Been on MFP for at least a month now and still playing with the same 5 lbs!! I guess I wont mind so much now that I know this could be normal.....=)
  • Feel free to add me, baby now 9 months and can use all the help i can get! :smile:
  • I am in that boat with you to, baby girl is 9 months now and would like my body back by the time she is 1! =) feel free to add me if you like. =)
  • sometimes the only prob is getting I agree with previous reply.....just say you are going to warm up...then you may not want to stop!!
  • I am by no means an expert on this site, or weight loss for that matter, but could it be because you have your calorie goal set at 1000?? I would try and up it to at least 1200, to avoid your body going into starvation mode?
  • Any loss is success!!! Think of it in turms of..I dont know...6 5 lb bags of flour or something!!! HUGE success!!! Congrats many times over.
  • Oh so many choices!!!...but I would have to say, mine is Peanut butter.........i could eat it by the spoonfuls! I am sure there is something else, but I am full right now, so nothing comes to mind.:wink:
  • OOPs!!! :flowerforyou: Must admit i was just one of those silly party starters!! Hehe...wanted to celebrate Friday the 13th of all things!!! So I made breakfast for everyone... Just made some french toast, scrambled eggs and sliced peaches...but I could have either not done it..or made it healthier. Good thing for me…
  • I too am a 911 dispatcher. Have been for 6 yrs. I gained the dispatch 50, but then lost it about 2 yrs ago. Low and behold I became pregnant, and am having a hard time getting rid of baby weight.... So I am trying to get rid of 20 lbs, balance work/home/life....and the 12 hrs shifts are helping!!!!
  • Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!!! Let me just should not go and get some new clothes, that just allows you to gain more!! lol. I would just stick with the ones you have (if you can still wear them comfortably) and as you lose weight, you can feel it in your clothes too! That is truly one of the best feelings.…
  • fat free popcorn is a good filler, if you just want to keep your mouth moving ..or maybe some sugar free gum??
  • I am in, weighted in today at exactly 170!
  • you know about how many ounces you produce a day, you can enter that in your food diary. It's not in the exercise database, but there is an entry for it in the food database that has a negative caloric value. (It's under "Breastfeeding- Nursing mother I found it!! Thanks so much on the info..i was actually looking for a…
  • I am going to have to agree with you on the 'not to worried' comment. I know she is more important right now then my weigjht (snickering), but I am just so frustrated, sometimes that is all I see!!! :happy: [/quote]
  • I found it!! Thanks so much on the info..i was actually looking for a way to log nursing ounces..and NEVER thought to look under food. Granted, I can only do this on days I pump..but still....Thanks again! :smile: