bleem108 Member


  • You can lose weight by eating 1200 calories a day and it is a lot healthier for you but working out is a big part of losing weight too. Try to fit in even a small work out everyday and that will really help with your goal. The pound a day might be a little discouraging when you aren't getting the results you want. I would…
  • Congrats! You can do it, just gotta stick to it and remember your goals!
  • Hey everyone, I would like to join in as well if that is ok. Im just now getting started back on my journey to losing weight and could use some support and I have done the 30ds before and it was awesome and was thinking about doing it again and it would be great to have some support to help get me started again!
  • I know Im a little late but just saw this post and I have really been slacking and something like this could really help me get back in the grove and I love going on walks. So if its alright I think I may join in =)
  • I'm going through the same thing. I just decided the only way to keep going is to just go to the gym even if I don't want to..easier said than done but just do it! and in the long run it will pay off and maybe when you start to see results again you will feel better and more least thats what im hoping for. So…
  • thanks those sounds great:smile:
  • Im so sorry to hear you are going through this, its a really hard thing to know you have been so betrayed and lied too. Just be strong and don't let it get the best of you the best revenge is to pick yourself up off the ground and just move on. Its hard and may take a long time to heal, but it really will get better and…