tmtolbert Member


  • belly binding is similar to what the doctor does after a surgery to help with the healing. it aids in getting rid of the extra fluid and helps things get back in place quicker. it kind of keeps everything tight in that area and provides support for your healing body. it is still very common after birth in some european and…
  • i'm not a mom of 2 but i am currently 8 months pregnant. i have been wondering about the pooch too and have been looking alot into belly binding after leaving the hospital. i have heard pretty great things about it and discovered that it is not all vanity. it actually helps get your organs back into place and with core…
  • invest in a moving comfort sports bra. when you are busty like me, you can't buy a sports bra that is sized small/medium/large. you need to get one that is sized like a regular bra and that clasp more like a regular bra. i was never able to run before i invested in a good high impact bra. i am a dd and i can now actually…
  • so what do you call a person that is black and is from the UK? they are not american so there for can't be classified as "african american". i once heard someone trying to be ubber politically correct call a black female "african american" to which she responded in her british accent, "i'm not american... but i am black!"
  • after taking a look at your diary, your calorie burns seem really high. what kind of exercise are you doing? are you wearing a heart rate monitor or going by the calorie count that mfp gives you? the calorie burn that mfp gives you is notorious for being over-inflated which could be sabotaging you! if you think you are…
  • you wouldn't want to cut that amount from your BMR but from your maintenance calories. your BMR is what your body needs just to keep all of its functions going if you just layed in bed all day. from what i have heard, your BMR is what you would be fed through a tube if you were in a coma just to keep your body functioning.…
  • i pre-log my food for the day the night before. that way i can adjust somethings for the next day if i need to add calories or cut calories somewhere. you should definitely pre-log and have a plan and then just adjust as you need to when you get back to civilization! :wink:
  • i run most of my runs on a treadmill with saturday being my outside run day. at first running outside was hard for me because i found that i would be running way too fast and not even realizing it. running on a treadmill helped me build up my endurance to run for longer and longer stretches of time, but i love running…
  • i get up at 4:30am to run. it is challenging but it is worth it. i feel so much better throughout the rest of my day and i like that when i get home from work i don't have to try to muster up the energy to workout.
  • i don't really have an answer for your question... i just wanted to say i am so sorry for your loss. i have had two mc's and i know how much they suck!
  • i don't know if this will make a difference, but did you step on the scale holding the weights or just lay them on the scale? i have a digital scale and i noticed that it is not accurate with things that are low weight. maybe try stepping on your scale while holding the weights and see if it weighs you 20lbs heavier than…
  • i don't set my goals by a number on a scale, but on completing workout programs, so my goals are: - Finish a walking program = spa day - 10 week 5K training = hair cut/color - 30 day shred = new clinic makeup
  • thank you laurel. you are right, it is so real to us as soon as we find out we are pregnant. i am just taking it one day at a time, and i believe getting my body back in shape will be a part of my healing process.
  • shameless self bump :blushing:
  • get good shoes and replace them often! nothing is worse than running with worn out shoes. and find a training program you like and can stick to so you have mini goals. a lot of people on here have great things to say about couch to 5k. i personal like the training programs on hal higdon's website. he has training programs…
  • i have always heard that 4 oz of meat is about the size of a deck of cards or the palm of your hand.
  • i am using summer sanders prenatal workout. it has a 45 minute workout for each trimester. the workouts are no cardio but some pretty ok strength and toning. i never did the first trimester because i had spotting and was told to not workout for a little while. now i am doing second trimester as well as some walking in the…
  • i had this problem too and did a little research. just a tip that i found... if you are larger than a C cup you can't wear the pull-over-your-head-uniboob sports bra. you need to get one that is sized like an actual bra. i found one i love at a sporting goods store (academy sports) they are more expensive than the…
  • p.s. the bra i ended up getting and loving i found at academy sports and outdoors for $40! well worth it! now i can actually run and enjoy running and i don't bounce at all!
  • if you are bigger than a C cup you cannot just wear the pull over your head, uni-boob, $5 sports bra! i am a DD cup and made the mistake of wearing those for far too long. once i actually invested in a sports bra for full figured ladies i had such a better time with my workouts! i was told that if you are larger than a C…
  • when you are nearing the end of your pregnancy your body creates a hormone called relaxin that basically softens your pelvic joints so that the baby can pass through. it takes like 8 weeks for the relaxin to leave your system after child birth and your joints harden back up again. but it is really common for women's hips…
  • there is a band called shrinkx hips but i think it has to be worn for the 8 weeks after delivery while the relaxin is still in your system. other than that i don't know if there is anything that can be done to get the hips back to there original position :frown:
  • they are kinda old school now but i used to really like the benjamin gate or earthsuit.
  • from what i understand, it's where you set your calorie goal to maintenance calories (for me that's 1980) but make your actual food calories around your bmr (for me that's 1580) so that your "calories remaining" section is actually the calorie deficit you have created for that day. when you add exercise obviously your…
  • i frequently eat off of a smaller plate (salad plate size i guess). it really helps me to control my portions and i feel like i am eating more because my plate looks fuller!
  • i used to love to see a bunch of calories left over at the end of the day, but then i stopped losing weight and even started to gain. i upped my calories a little bit and make sure to stay as close as i can to my calorie goal (including eating most of my exercise calories) and i started losing weight again! you will lose…
  • if you take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar daily it will help bring down your blood pressure. both my husband and his sister do it and it definitely works!
  • the calories that mfp has calculated for you to eat already include enough of a deficit for you to lose weight. when you workout you are able to then eat those calories back and still maintain that original deficit that mfp calculated for you. it can actually slow down your weight loss to have too few calories. some people…
  • i used to be able to work out in the mornings too and loved it! then i switched jobs and wasn't able to work out in the mornings anymore. honestly, it was a struggle to adjust to the new schedule and being up earlier and working out later. i would say set a mini goal for yourself... like i just want to make it through this…
  • i use sometimes.