do you use the "olivia method"?

i have been searching through some older posts and came across the "olivia method" and am curious to hear from people that set up there mfp profile this way. do you find this method to be successful? are you still losing weight while eating closer to your maintenance calories? i am going to start this method tomorrow i think and give it a shot for a couple of weeks. i had stalled on my weight loss and think it was because i was eating too few calories so i have been trying to up them and so far it seems to work. just curious on some feed back from those that have been using this method for a while.



  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    I am using it. I was stalled out for almost a month and now the scale is moving again. You are eating the calories of your BMR and if you exercise, that's what makes a larger deficit. So really, my BMR is already 400 calories less than my maintenance level and then you make a bigger deficit with exercise. Been doing this for two weeks I think and i am down almost 3 pounds.

    It's also pretty nice to not see red!
  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member
  • What is the Olivia Method? I hear people talking about it but I'm not sure exactly what it is.
  • What is the "olivia method"????
    Peace! :flowerforyou:
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
  • Sunjenk
    Sunjenk Posts: 139 Member
    Also curious about this! I have never heard of it.
  • jkeyah
    jkeyah Posts: 20
  • tmtolbert
    tmtolbert Posts: 59 Member
    What is the Olivia Method? I hear people talking about it but I'm not sure exactly what it is.

    from what i understand, it's where you set your calorie goal to maintenance calories (for me that's 1980) but make your actual food calories around your bmr (for me that's 1580) so that your "calories remaining" section is actually the calorie deficit you have created for that day. when you add exercise obviously your calorie deficit is larger. if you can create a 500 calorie deficit each day that totals a pound a week. it is just a different way to set up your mfp account to be able to actually see the calorie deficit you are creating each day. the thing that i liked about it is that you are able to eat enough to actually fuel your workouts while still creating a calorie deficit each day and since i am a runner that is something that is important to me!
  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member

    Here is the link where she explains it. It's just another way to set up your goals, I was already eating close to my BMR but now i just don't worry about exercise calories as much unless I burn a ton of calories.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    What is the "olivia method"????
    Peace! :flowerforyou:

    Basically, you set your MFP goal calories to maintenance, but eat your BMR calories. Then, the number in green is your daily deficit. If you exercise more, your deficit will increase, but once you hit 1000 calorie deficit, you have to start eating your exercise calories.

    My numbers:
    Maintenance - 1940
    BMR - 1540

    My goal is set at 1940.
    I eat 1540 each day.
    If I exercise, I can burn up to 600 calories without eating more food.
    If I burn more than 600, I must eat the surplus so I don't have a deficit of more than 1000 calories for the day.
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    Yeah, I'm using it cause I like to see my exact deficit. It's nice motivation.
  • sunflower_yogi
    sunflower_yogi Posts: 78 Member