Needing Other Angel Mom Friends Please!

i am back on mfp after my son was born still at 26 weeks over the memorial weekend. i had previously been on mfp and lost about 25 lbs during this past fall before finding out i was pregnant. now i am trying to get into a groove and into a new normal. i am looking for other mom's of angel babies for support. this is all still really new and i know that i am prone to fall into emotional eating if i am not careful. i am currently doing a postpartum workout dvd and hope to start training for a 5k soon. thanks!


  • tmtolbert
    tmtolbert Posts: 59 Member
    shameless self bump :blushing:
  • I just wanted to say I'm very sorry for your loss!!!! ((((hugs)))
  • lbbcvt
    lbbcvt Posts: 9 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss. I lost two many years but neither were anywhere close to being as far along as you. Mom's all know that the baby is real to us as soon as we know we are pregnant and even more so with each movement we feel. Your grief is real and is on your time schedule.

    I hope you find the support you need here.

  • tmtolbert
    tmtolbert Posts: 59 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss. I lost two many years but neither were anywhere close to being as far along as you. Mom's all know that the baby is real to us as soon as we know we are pregnant and even more so with each movement we feel. Your grief is real and is on your time schedule.

    I hope you find the support you need here.


    thank you laurel. you are right, it is so real to us as soon as we find out we are pregnant. i am just taking it one day at a time, and i believe getting my body back in shape will be a part of my healing process.
  • Julyfly70
    Julyfly70 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi, I'm so sorry for your loss. In 2006, at 22 weeks I gave birth to a stillborn baby girl. I'm here if you need an "ear".