

  • :laugh: Congrats! I was cracking up when I read the topic of this thread...I SO identify!:tongue:
  • Thank you for sharing this!
  • Homemade Taco salad (minus the shell)..made with lean ground turkey!:smile:
  • Well, sweets (LOVE cakes, pies, cookies, ice cream..YOU NAME IT!:bigsmile: ) and breads (I'm a southerner..we're used to having some form of bread -biscuits, yeast rolls, cornbread, etc.- at every meal!!!:laugh: ) are my biggest weaknesses and I've cut them out of my diet to get my weight loss rolling again. See, I KNOW…
  • I believe in celebrating EACH and EVERY pound!!!! So....YEA!!!!!! Way to go!!!!!:happy:
  • Welcome to MFP! I'm fairly new as well and I absolutely LOVE this site:smile: Please feel free to add me as friend if you like..I'm trying to build up my support system:laugh: ...WAY TO GO on getting into size 14 jeans at New York & Co! I remember shopping there years ago..I miss them:sad: ...just kidding... I'm not…
  • This sounds SOOOO delicious! I will definitely have to try it. Thanks for sharing:smile:
  • Welcome to MFP! I'm new myself...I'm "38 and trying":laugh: Please feel free to add me as a friend. I keep telling people around here that I need all the support I can get. This is day 2 for me on here...and I'm loving it already! It's very inspirational and motivating. Best of luck to ya!:smile:
  • Hi! I tried it about 4 years ago and honestly, I found it TOO restrictive so I had trouble sticking to the plan. You know his whole thing is you eating the "right foods" for your body type.. I was so bored it was ridiculous! I could only stick it out for ONE week then I abandoned ship:laugh: Now, that was just me... it may…
  • Good Luck! I joined the site last week but I just started tracking my food and excercise yesterday..your subject line grabbed my attention because I'm on a similar mission:smile: Feel free to add me as a friend (if you like)...being a newbie on here I'm trying to build a support system:happy: