40 and trying

I am new to this talking about fitness on the computer with others. I have never had to try hard to lose weight. I was just small. Having a child and not exercising and watching when I eat gave me 70 pounds that I don't need. So I am 40 and trying to do this the right way exercise 1 hour everyday, water and 1,300 cal a day of food. Just trying to stick with it and loving this website. It makes it easier than me writing in a diary. I have been doing that for 2 weeks. I feel better and got of 4 pounds already. Just 40 and trying.


  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hello! Welcome aboard!
    Congratulation on the the 4 lbs you're on your way
  • sorellabella
    sorellabella Posts: 133 Member
    Welcome..you can add me as a buddy. I am also in my 40's and trying to lose.
  • ZeeCee72
    ZeeCee72 Posts: 12
    Welcome to MFP! I'm new myself...I'm "38 and trying":laugh: Please feel free to add me as a friend. I keep telling people around here that I need all the support I can get. This is day 2 for me on here...and I'm loving it already! It's very inspirational and motivating.

    Best of luck to ya!:smile:
  • goatskinlegs
    goatskinlegs Posts: 40 Member
    Never too late, glad you could join us :) and good luck with all your endeavors! :)
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Another 40 yr. old here. You can do it. I'm feeling better now than I ever did in my 30's and most of my 20's. Good luck!