

  • I'll be a friend!! I am a SAHM with 3 youngest being almost 8 months also :) I only have a few more pounds to lose and some toning up to do but I'd love to be friends and help keep ya motivated..feel free to add me if you'd like :) :)
  • Im 5"4 my weight now is 128 but I'm still not happy with that so my new goal weight is 120..once i get there i'll see how that looks and feels and go from there.
  • I too have just recently had a baby..about 4 months ago..was a happy 130 before and got up to 160 and after I had him i too was stuck at about 150 and wanted to lose 20 pounds..and i have..actually 25 pounds : ) happily at 125 now and my problem to was just my stomach and love handles from the weight i put on cause of…
  • I eat chocolate everyday...always leave some extra room for it in my day...i work hard and exercise everyday so I always treat myself with chocolate and its never hurt me any..I consistently lost weight and now that I'm past my goal weight i still eat it and I'm maintaing well..prbly just depends on the person cause…
  • The age gap between my oldest son and middle son is 4.5 years and i thought that was really good..gave me time for the first one and time to focus on the second one..but the gap between my middle and my 3rd son i just had is 15 months and that proved to be a little more difficult cause my middle child was only 1 and still…
  • tried ur recipe minus the berries..they were great!!!!
  • 3 boys..a 6 year old, a 1 year old, and a 3 month old baby...gained 50 with the first and lost it all instantly..i was quite young so my metabolism was great didn't have to work out or change my diet..different story with the next two..with my one year old i was 130 when i found out and got to 160 after having him i took a…
  • Wii Fit Plus is def worth the money...I use it everyday for the 20 min runs and boxing even the free step to wind down..and also i use the EA Sports Active 2 and that is awesome I easily burn calories with that and play it every morning for a hour..
  • Oh No...I certainly know I must eat to survive..theres no worries or concerns there..def. not gonna starve myself..and i track my calories I'm always under or right on and I workout everyday for at least 2 hours its just sometimes I think wow after all that hard work I hope this meal isn't ruining what Ive done today...Ive…
  • I assume everyone is 5'4 just had a baby 3 months ago i was 148 at the end of november and today i was 128 so it took me a little over a month