

  • Carrie, I'm so emotionally moved reading your blog. It makes me sad that so much is going on, so much thought is taking place and I had no idea! I couldn't read it like I want to because I'm (supposed to be) studying for my midterms I have on Tuesday, but I wanted to let you know that I love you and support you and have…
  • I LOVE that you shared this. As someone who hasn't been to mass in a long time, I remember that uncomfortable feeling when everyone seemed to kneel so easily. I had an AHA moment today too. My pants have been kind of big and they are all torn up, but I have been putting off replacing them, maybe because I didn't want to…
  • Wow, I just noticed your goals and how far you've come. That's excellent! I feel pretty slow/kind of stuck with my progress, so it's nice to see that with work, it DOES pay off eventually! :D
  • My wife has been considering the surgery for years now, and we go back and forth on the topic. It is a very hard decision to make; at this current point, she has decided that it is not for her. We have a good friend who has had it, and has lost a lot of weight, but his quality of life is very challenging. He constantly has…
  • I definitely recommend eating between meals. The thing is, when you actually get and feel hungry- that's when your body is in the danger zone. Like your body is signaling to you that it needs fuel now. If you eat little bits throughout the day, you are less likely to spike your sugars and cause your body to a) try to hold…
  • Hey there. So glad you wrote. I was thinking about that today, as I walked through the mall and past the food court. I wanted to stop so bad for some lunch, for a coke, for something. It made me realize that every choice I make is an important one that contributes to my success at what I am doing. And it made me realize…
  • Wow! That's news about the turkey vs. the ground beef. And I love the suggestion for the chips and salsa instead- that has been my staple craving food when I want junk. I (thought) I was better off, now I know I am! Great to hear it!:happy:
  • That is so exciting! Babies are so fun- they really make you look at the world a little differently and realize how lucky we are. I'm very happy for you and your wife!
  • The thing my trainer told me is that when you eat at night, your body isn't doing much activity, so hence you don't really need the food. It's a mind thing; we all think we need to eat, but it's actually better to eat something without sugar. Like it's good to eat something to maintain your metabolism, but not anything…
  • I worked 11 to 7's for a long time, and it was challenging for me. The best advice I can give you is when you get home and go to bed, have something really light if you're hungry- but not really any carbs or sugar. Have an egg or some kind of protein. Also, the only thing that really helped me with this shift was the fact…
  • I liked your response. It makes a lot of sense to me that any extra calories would turn into fat if the body isn't using them. What about how to eat when you are doing a hardcore workout? Is there a certain way to eat around that? I guess, I never know if or what I should eat before the workout and what to eat/ how to eat…
  • Uggh! So true, " you won't eat it if you don't buy it!" Why did I think that I could just have a taste of that Ben and Jerry's? I didn't eat the whole thing, but I def. had more than my plan of just having a few tablespoons! Anyhow, wise words to live by!
  • yep, def. breakfast. And my trainer suggested having something light in the evening if you have to eat to keep the metabolism running smooth through the night. But only something like an egg- no carbs, just protein, since all you're doing is sleeping. I think what he also meant was watching what you eat in the evening…
  • Thanks for the encouragement, I will keep that in mind when I head into workout #2 tomorrow! Patrick
  • I hear you! I'm scared too. I just started this major transformation today myself. I've been thinking about my age too, (33), and been feeling like, Ok, my life has GOT to start here! I have a boss who was really overweight and has worked at it for years to get to the place she is at now. She works out 5x a week, and is…