curlytop89 Member


  • Did Zumba Saturday(cross train day) then 4 miles Sun and 3 miles plus cool down today. Feeling better. Didn't get sore after my eight miles last week. Schedule says to do a 5k this week for long run, but since I don't have one near by I might just do 8 again or 9 if I am feeling saucy! Ha! Good luck everyone.
  • thanks, I am thinking about getting one of his books as well.
  • Thanks. I know you are supposed to actually have a faster time, but I went slower this morning. Of course I added a little distance to my run, but even before the extra mile and a half, I was going slower. We'll see if things go better next week.
  • I think that is probably a good thing with distance running. One of the sites I was on looking at training plans said to keep pretzels on hand to eat for the salt. And the meat is good for the protein to help heal those muscles after a hard workout. I try to eat extra eggs or lean meat if I do a long run or a hard workout.
  • I think I am going to do a half marathon on October 29th. I haven't been training specifically for it but I have been putting in some miles with running and keeping up some sort of aerobics activity. I am going to jump into the hal higdon novice plan 2 at week 5. I have been running 5 or six miles a couple times a week…
  • If it's housework you do on a daily basis, such as picking up, laundry, etc then I wouldn't count it. You should have this accounted for in you activity level when you first set your calories, like sedentary lifestyle, etc. I do count when I do more vigorous tasks that I don't do very often, like push mower, or cleaning…
  • Gut2glam, I have less of those issues when I eat non snack bar fiber, ha ha. Rasperries, or other berries are good, like 6 - 8 grams of fiber in one cup which i put in a smoothie. Fiber one yogurt is great! only 50 calories and 5 grams of fiber and protein in each cup(i also put that in my smoothie) special k protein plus…
  • I have felt your pain, ha ha! I can tolerate the 90 calorie brownies though, but the kashi cereal and the fiber one snack bars are torcher! Too bad, they taste good. The special K protein plus cereal and shakes seem to do okay. Maybe you better stick to nuts, ha ha! good luck.
  • Maybe you need to take the pressure off. Don't put such a strict goal on yourself, like I have to lose 40 pounds in 6 months or else... Just make a change, a permanent one. I realized my biggest mistake during weight loss over the years is eating healthy and exercising and getting some weight off and then soon as I am…
  • I find it odd that a registered dietician told you to eat 988 calories a day. I would definitely be confused if you are weighing and meauring food and not just "guestimating" your portion sizes and still staying under your calorie goal. It's hard to say what could be up, maybe you should take your food and exercise journal…
  • egg whites, lean pork. I like the special K protein shakes which are convenient when I am in a hurry (10gms) and I also like the special K protein plus cereal. Fairly lowcal and I usually eat 1 1/2 portions at a time and that is 15 gms of protein not counting the milk you add to it and 150 calories. Good luck.
  • very interesting. I didn't know they had such things to wear running. I have been threatened by dogs a few times. Usually I drive a route I am interested in a couple of times trying to scope out dogs, but sometimes you just don't know until you are out there. I would hate to shoot someone's pet, but if it is trying to…
  • I think 115 is too low for a taller female, 5'8 inches or above. At 5' 8" the BMI is 17.5. Too, low, underweight. There is a point when a certain weight shouldn't be obtained. Just makes me nervous to see tall girls trying to be the weight of a girl who is 6 or 8 inches shorter than them. Just my thoughts.
  • I have a sportline that I got from walmart, with a chest strap. It does pretty good. I have noticed that sometimes when I am really sweating, like after running in the humid Mississippi air, that it loses contact. I don't know why, but that can be frustrating when you are depending on it. For the most part it has been…
  • Me last year and this year. Hope the picture loads. I feel like a new person for sure. So much more energy and better self esteem.
  • I think a treadmill is more practical, although I have both, ha! When I walk I can only get my heart rate up if I incline or walk really really fast, so mostly I jog or run on it. I have a nordic track elliptical which I also like, but I really have to pump up the resistance and go really fast to get my heart rate up.( By…
  • I just think 120 pounds it way too low for someone who is 5' 10" or more. Yuck! I am 148-150 now and if I lost another 30 pounds I dont' know where it would come from. I don't want to be a stick figure. I am fairly satisfied where I am, as long as I don't go on a two week bender eating garbage and I continue to work out, I…
  • I use the sportline, lower end heart rate monitor that I got from walmart. It is the one with the chest strap so you are not counstantly having to "touch" you watch to get a heart rate. It works pretty good...once I figured out how to reset it and all. Calories burned also changes depending on how hard you are working out,…
  • That is a great idea. It will definitely be nice to have some loved ones around!
  • wow, you have your hands full! I know keeping busy even with kids helps the time pass by a little faster, but it would be nice if there is someone close by to help too.
  • I know, when I talk to my husband about the baby he is happy to hear, but I know it makes him sad that he is missing him turning into a little person. He will catch up quickly when he gets back. My son (20 months) saw a man dressed in an army uniform at my other kids karate class a couple of weeks ago and called him daddy…
  • I know what you mean. When I get depressed, I seriously start shoveling food in, especially at night when I am tired mentally and physically.
  • I have three children and have some stretch marks, they seem to have faded with time (my last baby is 22months.) I say go for it if you are proud of how fit you have become.
  • Going to try to get back into the swing of things. Just gotta keep on keepin on right!
  • I am getting a bit worn out lately, mentally more than anything. Guess it's the sick baby and pressure from work to dump my kids with a stranger so I can work all hours of the night. Anyway, it is hard not being on a base, and being away from any family. Phone calls and internet aren't the same, and they cant keep your…
  • Have you tried looking at the used sporting goods stores like playitagain sports. Might find something cheaper.
  • Did the warrior dash in Norco, La near new orleans. It was great fun. We started earlier than our scheduled heat and didn't stick around long after because the weather was getting bad. They ended up cancelling the later heats until Sunday because of tornado warnings. I think the event people got a lot of stuff damaged in…
  • Ha ha. we were going to dress as something, but we haven't gotten around to deciding so I guess I will go as myself! It's just for fun anyway, not to set any records. Plus I think I will look great covered in mud with my viking helmet and medal. Ha Ha!
  • If I run outside I take my dog on our country road and my cell, or try to run in town in populated areas. Even so, one day at about 10am some creepy guy in an old van slowed down and asked me if I ran there everyday. I thought "Why, so you can knock me over my the head and pull me in to your van tomorrow?" I was right next…
  • The "bump" is so it will save the post to your topic list and it will be easier to look at again later, instead of trying to search for it. Just FYI