self defense/personal protection while you run



  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    My biggest worry when running with my dog is that one of the stray (and aggressive) dogs in the area are going to run into us at the wrong time. : (
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    If I run outside I take my dog on our country road and my cell, or try to run in town in populated areas. Even so, one day at about 10am some creepy guy in an old van slowed down and asked me if I ran there everyday. I thought "Why, so you can knock me over my the head and pull me in to your van tomorrow?" I was right next to a church. Creeped me out, so needless to say I haven't been back there. I do try to vary my route, so I am not "expected" any certain day or time.
  • jtsmou
    jtsmou Posts: 503 Member
    The headphones are a big thing, awareness and all that yada yada.

    Look I used to teach courses on this, and the sad fact is, if someone really wants to do you harm they will and there isn't much you can do about it. The majority of the time you aren't going to see them coming so you wont have time to do much defense wise. If you do see them coming, chances are they are very practiced at appearing non-threatening, and can have a very disarming personality depending on the situation. Many times it's not even the random attack while jogging, it's the casual encounter that you have to look out for.

    But anyways, Marc MacYoung is a good resource for this if you can get past the corny url:

    As for dogs.... there are enough items on the market for this with varrying degrees of effectiveness, take your pick.
  • CarolHudson11
    My pitt bull, Tate. She's been socialized to the nines and is about as ferocious as a daisy and she's more likely to knock you down and lick you to death than actually hurt you. But she looks scary and it tends to make others "jog" to the opposite side of the road. :)
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    For the record, next time I run, I want @lilmissgenius with me! :)
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I don't run, but I do live 2 hours from school and drive there before and after dark depending on the day. With a trip that long, I do have to stop for gas and bathroom breaks on occasion after dark. If I'm approached, I look at the person and decide if I can whip their @$$ or not to decide if I need to run. Then if I felt in danger, I'd kick their @$$ just for making me think I had to run! I studied Kenpo and am a former professional wrestler. The largest person I've knocked out was 6 feet 8 inches and 330 pounds, so I don't scare easily. For my female clients, I've actually taught self defense classes and highly recommend the things mentioned above (workout partner, pepper spray, dog, etc.) but I don't recommend a weapon like a knife or gun just in case the criminal gets control of it. I'll be glad to teach you how to take one away from a criminal, though. :wink:
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I've been wondering about this lately myself. I really think I need to change my habits. I run or walk the same route, at about the same time every night, wearing headphones, alone (unless you count my Miniature Schnauzer, who I'm sure would be of no use to me in a fight). It's a safe neighborhood and I feel comfortable going out at night, but I know it's probably not a great idea. I've thought about getting some pepper spray, but I don't know that I'd actually have the presence of mind to use it if something really did happen.
  • mark996
    mark996 Posts: 184 Member
    If you're gonna use pepper spray you better get ready for some back lash and be prepared to fight through it. If it's a decent mix you WILL be effected by the spray, shortness of breath, watery eyes, temporary blindness, coughing, gagging, the whole 10 yards. Many people think pepper spray is effective, and in reality, it'll probably do the trick for some teenage thug, but we've sprayed many people on the streets with no effect, they just keep coming. I run with a gun, there's no other way around it. The way it goes, if someone pulls a gun on you, and you've got pepper spray? good luck. If you're carrying pepper spray, take it off the keychain for the love of pete. Run with it clasped in your hand, ready to be deployed. When it comes down to it, there's no absolutel to self defense. i've challenged black belt females (legit) and won everytime due to strength and size and surprise. Don't run in compromised areas, you're asking for trouble. Find well lit places to run, find occupied places, or go with a friend. FIND a friend to run with.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Run with a gun? Wow....

    Ok I live in small town USA, and I am about as naive as they come, seriously.

    I run with my Ipod.... and some gatorade.... and an inhaler and my house key.
    I have a road ID on my shoe... but I have never run with my cellphone... hmmm
  • winterjade
    winterjade Posts: 55 Member
    I only run alone in the daylight hours, I also have a pressure point stabber that I carry....although I dont really carry it for protection, it helps me relax my hands so I dont waste energy making fists :) I also tell my hubby the route and approx how long I will be.
  • cjudesaenz
    cjudesaenz Posts: 67 Member
    I always tell someone when im going and I alway txt them when I get home... it also doesnt hurt being a practicing blackbelt and former Texas State champ... all I know is that Im not going down with out a fight... ladies always go where it hurts the most... scream, kick, fight, bite, scratch, go for the eyes and "ahem" the jewels... and I always tell my girls in class dont stick around and square off as soon as you get an opening run like you have never ran before... be aware of your surroundings...
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I have a CCW permit and have been know to run with a gun before, although I try to avoid running in areas that would make me feel the need to carry a gun. After I scary run I had in my parents' "nice" suburban neighborhood last summer I started carrying Kimber's Guardian Angel. It's two shots of gel mace that come out at 90 mph. It is more effective than regular pepper spray because you don't have to worry about the spray coming back at you. It's more pricey than regular mace but well worth it.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    If you do see them coming, chances are they are very practiced at appearing non-threatening, and can have a very disarming personality depending on the situation. Many times it's not even the random attack while jogging, it's the casual encounter that you have to look out for.

    But anyways, Marc MacYoung is a good resource for this if you can get past the corny url:

    This is a great point!! I read a whole study about how women are much more likely to be attacked by someone asking for help because they are afraid to say no and seem unfriendly or like a *****. I know this is an exaggerated example but Ted Bundy use to lure women by wearing a fake cast on his leg and asking women for help carrying his groceries.

    Great website by the way.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I have a CCW permit and have been know to run with a gun before, although I try to avoid running in areas that would make me feel the need to carry a gun. After I scary run I had in my parents' "nice" suburban neighborhood last summer I started carrying Kimber's Guardian Angel. It's two shots of gel mace that come out at 90 mph. It is more effective than regular pepper spray because you don't have to worry about the spray coming back at you. It's more pricey than regular mace but well worth it.

    This product here is what I was going to suggest for women who didn't want to carry a gun.

    Your brain is still your best self defense weapon by avoiding situations and being aware of your surroundings. But it's always good to have something for back up.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    WOW! This topic is scary. Of all my time running (obviously I'm a guy so maybe a bit different) I have never even thought of bringing anything for self defence. Never had any issues. But there are a lot of people that run around here and it's all pretty well lit.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I take long walks over fairly isolated roads when the weather permits (12 miles), and usually call my husband (we live in different states, but he can track me via the GPS in my phone) when I set off and let him know when I'm back. He surprised me with rechargeable shock weights as a gift.... they freak me out a little, though. I preferred bringing a full aluminum water bottle. (At least on the first half of the walk, it's a fairly good cudgel, and I could refill it at the half way point if needed.)

    However, it was very thoughtful of him. And I swear I'll use them when I go out again... I'm definitely a fair-weather walker.
  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    German.Shepherd... =)

    Ditto! He protects and pushes of both worlds.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Ironic you should ask. Locally a woman was attacked on Sunday 2 houses away from mine by dogs. She spent several days in the hospital. These dogs have been a PITA and have tried to come into my yard and attack my kids several times. I feel so terrible for this woman.

    I wish I could run with my dog but he would take me wherever he wanted, as he's heavier than me - and he would protected me from EVERYTHING, not what I want.

    I pack a firearm with me when I run, I'm trained, extremely comfortable, and licensed.

    Wwhen I see a dog, I stop and get my gun in my hand and walk. I run on frequently on irrigation ditches or corn fields and never see anyone. If I run on the road, I don't worry too much about individuals, because there aren't many who would be walking on the road I'm on. In the city, I worry less, I've had SO many people tell me they saw me out running, I'm not too worried about it as anyone who saw something in our area would likely stop. The woman attacked by the dogs was helped by someone driving by, the benefit of living in a small town.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    When running with a gun I suggest the Smith and Wesson M&P .357 Magnum. It's a small gun sometimes referred to as a similar model the Lady Smith.

    Less than 6.5" long total, hammerless (won't snag on clothes) and about 13oz in weigh unloaded, it'll pack the punch of a full .357 pistol.

    This is also what my wife carries daily in a specially built purse to conceal the weapon.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    I think women esp could benefit from hearing what others use/do. I'm a worrier/over-packer, so I'm always prepared. What do you do??? :glasses:

    See my avatar? I jog/walk with two full sized ones of those LOL Grins is 31 inches of Grinning fool and Secret's 28 inches. . .people who don't know them and are not dog friendly usually cross the street LOL