BetterYet Member


  • Greetings! What, may I ask, is Piyo? T25 is good, although I do modified for 20 minutes... :)
  • "Classical Stretch" dvd series works for me. It is pilates and yoga based and I have had tremendous results! My body feels alive because my flexibility has increased as well as circulation. I also like the barre! That will get you in touch with those tight muscles for sure!
  • It is great to make a commitment to yourself and see immediate results! Please heed the warnings of the other posts as well, and be sure to drink plenty of water (although you are losing some water weight - different water weight though) and get the right amount of sleep. You also must factor in 'muscle recovery time'.…
  • No problem. It is muscle. Keep up your water intake and check how your clothes are fitting. Keep up the good work!! Keep smiling and pat yourself on the back.
  • Hi! I just returned today too. Let us help each other... you can add me!
  • 1 ½ cup of mixed greens (red leaf, romaine, spinach) ½ sliced medium size tomato 1/3 cup of walnuts 2 tablespoons of grated blue cheese 1/3 cup of dried cranberries
  • You have a great head start by eating healthy. I happen to like exercising and must do it for stress relief and "Releasing" the fat. My motivation is a St. John knit I want to get into. More importantly, I will reward myself with a trip to London and Ireland when I reach my goal weight. That is motivation! Try setting a…
  • Oh Yeah!!! Walking will take the pounds off. You have to be consistent and keep a quick pace. I was just talking to someone about the wonders of walking. It really works on chiseling the waistline!!! Try using some hand weights or a weight jacket - like 10 pounds for the jacket and walk and watch with wonder! A resistance…
  • Fabulous!!!! Excellent! This is the incentive I need to continue doing what I am doing! Thank you for the inspiration! Keep up the amazing work!!!! 2012 will the best year yet!!!!
  • The amount 'dry' is 150 calories. Don't you just love it. The good part is that it expands. Keep up the good work. I also have steel cut oats in the morning and add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon (which is very good for you) and one teaspoon of organic honey. That brings my oatmeal to 170-189 calories. By the way, for measuring, I…
  • Hi Gianessa, Happy New Year and best wishes! I NEED to lose over 50 pounds (over 70 pounds actually)!!!!I I am also working with a Nutritionist whom I met with today. I met with her a few months ago but the holidays and quite a few other excuses came into play. However, I stepped on the SCARE (otherwise known as the SCALE)…