

  • Hey, there. I'm a half/full marathon runner who's always looking to find new running friends so I can dispense more annoying and unsolicited advice. :) OK, not really, but happy to share inspirations and tribulations.
  • Thank you so much for posting this. I just sent it to every runner I know. I just finished Hood to Coast, and I think I'm actually talking about it in my sleep.
  • I don't think it's the same as last time. You begin again, but smarter. You know what works, you know how to eat and how to exercise--that's a lot of learning you don't have to do again. You know your body so much better now; you're better armed for the fight! So go ahead and dive in; you're so ready!
  • Be aware that the saddle on the bike you buy really isn't that critical. You can always replace it and probably will want to. The critical thing is to get the bike sized to fit you by professionals. Believe me, that makes all the difference. Also, get the right bag for your body: some prefer backpacks, others panniers. I…
  • Thanks for that! I'm going to try to gently increase my calories and carbs a bit this week--I'm still in "lose" mode, so I reckon I have a little wiggle room to allow it. And yeah, avoiding the treats at the expo, not going crazy at dinner the night before--the temptations are many. Can't wait to see the course. Thanks for…
  • Ah, taper madness--ain't it a treat? I'm in right now too: running Big Sur on April 29, and have a two-week taper on Hal's Advanced. When I tapered before my first full, I decided to do my 2-mile why-did-I-bother-to-put-my-tights-on run straight up a steep hill. BAD PLAN. Stick to what you know won't hurt you. Read that…
  • Hi, all! Just joined this group and amazed and happy to see so many runners in here! Upcoming: April 21, half marathon April 29, Big Sur marathon July 15, 1/2 Ironman (yeeeeeeps) I have other races in there, too, but don't have my calendar handy. I'm a Half Fanatic, so most of my races are half marathons--I try to do at…
  • I eat it every day: half a cup of Quick Oats nuked in the microwave for 2 mins, a tablespoon of ground flaxseed (veggie Omega3s), a generous squelching of sugarfree French vanilla syrup (Torani) and layer it all with plain Chobani Greek no-fat yogurt (100 cals for 6 oz). Add berries for extra nominess. I look forward to it…
  • Why do you freeze the bran cereal?
  • I love the Torani sugar-free French Vanilla coffee syrup. Tastes great. It's a Splenda product, so some may not want to use it, but I even use it to sweeten my plain non-fat Greek yogurt. And there are lots of sugar-free coffee syrups to choose from.