Need some supportive runners!

Hi! I've taken to running over the last few years, and have completed a lot of 5k's and 10k's, and in a week and a half I'll compete in my first half marathon. I'm looking forward to it, and would like to add some friends to my list that are runners and can offer experiences, advice and some support!

I'm not really in this to lose weight, I'm at a happy place. But I'm willing to encourage those who are running to lose. I just do it because I love it... ; )


  • JeffTCole
    JeffTCole Posts: 140 Member
    Hey. Runner here as well. and biker, and swimmer. I'd be happy to share experiences as long as you return the favor. Add me if you like. Good luck on your upcoming Half marathon.
  • soxobsessed
    soxobsessed Posts: 130 Member
    I am a runner, my goal this year is to run a race every month, I am 5 for 5 so far. Good luck in your half, I did my first one last October
  • raggedyangst
    Hey, there. I'm a half/full marathon runner who's always looking to find new running friends so I can dispense more annoying and unsolicited advice. :) OK, not really, but happy to share inspirations and tribulations.
  • UnwrittenSymphonies
    UnwrittenSymphonies Posts: 3 Member
    Training for a 10K currently hope to run a half in November - anybody is welcome to add me :)