skutnikj Member


  • If you truly make a lifestyle change there is nothing to obsess about... because eating well and healthy and daily exercise is part of your routine - they are THINGS you WANT AND LOVE to do.... because you enjoy them, because they make you feel good.. etc etc
  • this whole thing was enlightening to me b/c I had no idea people used tracking in this way - I track what I eat \b/c I like to see the impact it has on my running/ race times and some of my health issues I never viewed a calorie as a calorie and eat primarily veggies and fruit (with occasional nuts, whole grains and peanut…
  • Measure and record everything. I also looked at your diary and there seems to be a huge lack of vegetables and whole foods....
  • I am with you. I don't believe in fast food restaurants... They are nasty.... The only thing they are ever good for is a place to pee! I don't really call them tricks. I am a vegetarian i eat mostly only whole fresh fruits and veggies.... I eat very little processed food.only popcorn, and things like Wasa or caraway…
  • First congrats on making the journey.... Second if you look at It as a diet, as opposed to eating healthy for life you may be setting yourself up for failure longer term. I had a look at several days of your meals, and I am a bit worries that you seem to have a lot of processed foods and very little fruits and…
  • I love seeing runners here !!! Feel free to add me as a friend - I am 42 and a runner as well - Ive done a bunch of marathons 1/2 marathons and an ultra... The goal races you have are sure to help keep you motivated :)
  • so there have been a lot of not so nice posts here... You might also want to look up BMR and TDEE (BMR what your body needs to stay alive more or less) and TDEE (BMR plus activity) - depending on your weight height activity..., none of these are perfect and exact but it might help As for what you are doing now - if you are…
  • just reflecting on your last update --- first FORGIVE yourself.... it seems like you are hanging on to where you feel you should be.... I always say YOU ARE WHERE YOU ARE - you can't change the past , you cant magically go back and not re-gain those few lbs you did --- forgive yourself - what is done is done honey.... Let…
  • Hi there... so first take a deep breath.... what are you struggling with the most... ? have you thought about why you are self-sabotaging? sometimes the best way to move forward is to figure out the Whys... Have you heard of the 5 Whys? If not it means you keep asking your self why 5 times (it helps you identify the root…