bonniejo Member


  • I'm guessing I should do this after I boost my calories up? I've lost about .5 lbs a week at 1600 calories, but with this much activity I should be losing more, I'm sure my deficit is bigger than 300 calories? I think I'm going to work on the assumption that my TDEE is somewhere around 2300 and go from there, with a 15%…
  • Whole grains often have more protein than you think! Beans are also a good protein source, although they aren't complete. Unfortunately, animal products really are superior in the protein department :(
    in Protein Comment by bonniejo March 2015
  • I was wondering that, but over Christmas for 2 weeks I didn't worry about calories, and some of this activity is new within the last few weeks (the weight training, tabata, and walking more outside), and I was still losing fat at 1600, I wasn't stalled. I also was taking diet breaks of about 2100 calories one or two days…
  • Note: Heybales, I know you read most of these. Using your spreadsheet and the fitbit activity levels (lightly, fairly, and very active) to fill in the minutes I get between 2300-2500kcal for activity level depending on the week. Does that sound about right?
  • Haha watch Walking Dead. When they're eating it's either walkers eating people or people eating dog food or worms or squirrels. You won't want to eat lol
  • I feel empty inside :( Watching Talking Dead helps though. I didn't realize I cared about that character that much
  • Studies have shown that one (8oz) cup has minimal to no diuretic effects. So yes, if you only have one cup! Tea for sure counts too :)
  • Brownie, cookies and cream, and chocolate chip!
  • Sugar from fruit is different than sugar from candy or even fruit juice. I'm going to post some links below on this.
  • I don't know too much about pea protein, but from what I've heard you are better off getting a vegan mix of proteins rather than an isolated type. I eat over 110 g of protein per day, and my diary is open is you want to look. I do eat meat and protein bars though. Would you consider eating fish? Tuna has 19g of protein in…
  • There is little to no evidence that advocates eating more than 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight - which for you is about 110 grams. That's also way more doable! Are you open to a whey protein powder or protein bar? Greek yogurt is also great, at 14g of protein in one serving :)
  • Sorry about that! I guess I'm still not clear on what I should be doing super set wise. My trainer said to do some, and gave me an example, but we didn't have time to go over more. Whenever I google super set exercises they are all things like pull-ups or something else that requires weight, so I'm trying to stay away from…
  • Thanks for the ideas!
  • So I’ve just started a 3 day lifting plan (done 5 days so far and I really like it!) and I was wondering about supersetting ab exercises in to maximize my time. However, most ab stuff I know how to do involve getting on the floor, which is awkward in the weight area, or using a kettlebell or other weight, which I don’t…
  • I recommend elevated calf raises! So use a stair or a step bench at the gym, hold onto something for balance and do a couple sets of 30. My calves are always super sore the next day!
  • First 3 relaxed, last 3 flexed. 5' 4", 133lb
  • He said that I was likely to burn 100-200 calories during the workout, and I don't want to lose weight faster than I am, so he advised eating at least some of them back. I'm going to add 100 calories on training days and seeing how it goes. If I cut calories more I think I would reduce all evenly so training days still…
  • Thanks for the advice! I'm not sure if I can keep up with the training volume, but I'm hoping I'll like lifting almost as much as I like my classes. Did my first session with my trainer today, going over form and customizing the program to suit my fitness level (he said it was too easy for me, which is encouraging!) He…
  • One of my biggest goals is to have more energy and not get out of breath while hiking, so I think cardio is important for my training. It's also great for my mental health, since it's very meditative to me and I just generally enjoy it. My class often includes doing 50-100 pushups, 2 minute wall sits, 3 minutes of body…
  • I'm 24, 5' 4" and 133 lbs. Bf around 26%. I walk 10-13,000 steps per day (walking the dog, etc), but I sit quite a bit as a student. I do a step and strength class (50% intense step, 50% body weight/high rep weight training) 3 days a week, and a pure step class once a week. I really like my step classes and don't plan on…
  • I'm planning on starting a weight training program this week (I'm going over squats and deadlifts with a trainer first so I don't hurt myself). I'm currently losing well on 1650 calories per day and one cheat meal per week (this week is sushi, yum!), protein between 110-130g/day. Should I change anything on the eating side…
  • Haha, I'm not a parent yet (thank goodness!), but I can imagine the struggle! I know it eased up for my parents when I got my license, but thats a whole other can of worms lol
  • Try getting your masters in nutrition... I'm surrounded!
  • I second having some outside support. It's so easy to slip back into disordered eating. I'd recommend tracking progress with fitness goals (20 pushups in 1 minute) vs weight goals. Another goal could be reaching your protein and veggie goals for the day. Feel free to send me a FR :)
  • I think it's good to give encouragement to newbies no matter their size. "Great lunges!" or a thumbs up and smile are great encouragement to anyone who's unsure. I'm going to start weight lifting next week, and I'm really nervous. I hope someone gives me a thumbs up or a few pointers!!
  • Paleo is already pretty anti dairy.... But I agree, somehow protein will be targeted next. Maybe some vegan variant? Low FODMAP is getting traction in the nutrition world to repair the digestive tract. Wouldn't be surprised if that was the next big thing
  • Log your food, don't eat too many calories to avoid gaining fat. Tuna is a great protein source, so is cottage cheese, greek yogurt, eggs, meat, poultry.... Protein powder is fine but try to make most protein from whole food sources. Also know that your body needs carbs as well to feed the muscle, there is only so much…
  • Can you incorporate your family into doing activities together, especially as it gets warmer? Family bike rides or frisbee games could be really fun! If you have little ones there are those little ride-a-longs