ihardy44 Member


  • Thanks for the suggestion. I haven't been swimming in a long time. Running isn't going to work :-(
  • I totally agree on the BMI chart. Hang in there!
  • I'm 6'3" with a large frame. Just now realizing that as I see myself in my youngest daughter who's 8 years old. She's not fat by any stretch of the imagination but just thick! Jeans are hard to find because the butt and thighs. That's me junk in da trunk and thighs! Anyhow my current weight is 233 and I'm shooting for…
  • This is one of the greatest body image challenges for me. I've lost 10 pounds and no change in how my clothes fit, no compliments, NOTHING. Kinda frustrating when I see people lose the same amount of weight or a few pounds more and shed 2-3 dress sizes. But the blessing is that when I put the weight on, it does take a…
  • Oh my goodness, I am SO THRILLED I found this group. I have always assumed I should look a certain way and have spent my entire life unhappy with my body size, weight, and overall a very poor body image. After reading everyone's post, I understand that each of is unique. I know this sounds pretty elementary and it's kinda…
  • Thank you so much for sharing your struggles. There is a simple solution in OA, but it isn't easy. I have been around for many years and recently experienced a relapse. I am back out of relapse and almost at 60 days of abstinence. I have come to realize that this is a life long disease and food will always be a struggle. I…
  • 1. Being Alive 2. Checkin in on My Fitness Pal, even though I'm not in a very good mood right now. 3. Pain of recovery which brings about maturity, surrender, and a sane way of dealing with life. 4. A program that helps me create a plan of action so that I'm not left to my own devices. 5. Family
  • 1. Abstinence 2. Having love for myself today as I am. 3. OA 4. Wonderful loving husband. 5. Beautiful, fun, lively, loving, and caring daughters.
  • Great idea to start a post on each of our gratitude lists. For today, I am thankful for: 1. My 12 year old daughter completing 6th grade and going through elementary school with good character, a loving heart, and a free spirit. 2. A husband who loves me unconditionally. 3. The OA program, my sponsor, the tools, and…
  • For today I ask for the willingness to pick up the phone before I take that first compulsive bite. I've been playing with my food lately to see what I could get away with and that really doesn't work, but it's that old behavior surfacing. I must admit, that in the past, it worked. I would still lose weight and kinda sorta…
  • I love how you put this mornig's circumstances into perspective. I probably would have been pretty pissed off because of the inconvenience, but being reminded that God has a different plan is great!
  • For today, I ask for the willingness to be gentle and forgiving. I am committed to changing my lifestyle and not looking for a quick fix (although I still want one!!!). I have been thinking a lot about my compulsive overeating behaviors that go back as far as 9 or 10 years old and I'll be 40 this year. I can't undo that…
  • For today, I ask for the willingness to take contrary action. I feel overwhelmed by all that I am responsible for in life. A demanding career, two children, a husband, household finances, my program (meetings, food plan, outreach calls, reading, writing, calling sponsor), and finding time for me. There's only 24 hours in a…
  • I've been in OA for quite sometime and had several years of abstinence and relapsed. I am SLOWLY coming out of the relapse and it has been a challenge. During the beginning of my recovery, I could not have handled a program like this, I couldn't even tell my sponsor what I ate until afterwards, because I didn't want to…
  • I definitely relate to the fear of being hungry. When I'm hungry, I have a range of emotions (mad, whiny, tired, anxious). I have had a range of food plans since being in OA. The one that worked for the most, was 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. This really seemed to balance me out. However, I kept thinking that it wasn't good…