

  • I was looking at the Nike+ Band...I emailed the company to ask if it would work on horseback, since the FAQ said it was not acclimated for cyclists. I will let you know!
  • Wow! Great to hear about your success and determination...thanks for the tips too! I think I should get a digital food scale.
  • Born in Trenton, lived in Somerville, Raritan, Monroe twp, and went to high school in Bridgewater and Hamilton Twp. Going to school in Delaware but home base is around Belmar... anyone know what a BENNY is????? (No offense to any "benny"s on here of course!!)
  • My inner thighs are pretty flabby as well! Actually, they're really out of proportion with the rest of my body...can you say "pear shaped"??? Haha anyway. I agree with everyone else - cardio is essential! I don't really think that you can just target one area of your body, like just isolating your "inner thighs." However,…
    in THIGHS Comment by nomadic_neenz May 2012
  • That's awesome that you want to take your dog running and I'm sure he will appreciate it. I noticed you have a choker collar on him already - that's definitely helpful is he is a strong dog to begin with. However I think that the most important and helpful "device" would be consistent obedience training. Especially with…
  • Awesome job! That's amazing! :) Thanks for clarifying what NSV NSV of the week is being able to stretch and move deeper in my yoga class. I feel so much better! Keep up the awesome work!!
  • my grandma is really excited to try these for asian food dishes...I saw some other people posted about shiritaki noodles. I think they are a bit cheaper and are the same product more or less. I'm looking forward to trying them and am definitely going to RINSE RINSE RINSE them & maybe marinade in low sodium soy?
  • Awesome! Keep up the good work...what does NSV stand for? Sorry! But I definitely understand what it feels like to not feel like you're going to die after running :)
  • Might take me a while but I'll give it a go! 1...2.....3........... :)
  • I estimate that each shot is +/- 100 cal each. Even if it is under 100 cal it helps me keep a little more control (haha). Diet sodas/waters/etc are awesome and my friend makes a great gin & tonic with sprite zero, diet tonic, a lot of lime/lemon juice & some cheap terrible gin...can't taste it at all.
  • Hi I'm 20 and have a few more months till the big 2-1! I'm looking to lose +/- 70 lbs and keep it off especially with the whole bar scene ha!
  • Wow your progress is really motivating and you look like a new, still beautiful (not in a creepy way), person. I'm the same height and around your same starting weight so seeing your progress was REALLY helpful. Do you have any tips/suggestions? I have trouble staying focused after I loose 10 - 20 pounds.
  • Agreed!! Very low cal with hummus. Carrots have some sugar though...