

  • Oh, and my tragedy; if I go out and get properly drunk, I get very hungry the next day. My hubby and I live around the corner from a Hungry Horse pub, and so we'd head there the day after a drinking sesh to scoff. I usually have this absolutely awesome Cornish cow pie they do (all the thick crusty pastry satisfied my tummy…
  • Pasta got me good; I always just sort of dumped what I considered to be a nice portion into a pan and scoff the lot. Turns out I was eating between 2-3 portions! And when you include what I served it with (beef bolognese, carbonara, maybe a side of garlia bread) my dinner as accounting for nearly a whole days calories…
  • Thanks for all the suggestions guys! Though to the guy who suggested swimming; ain't no way I'm getting in a swimming costume matey! But thanks for trying :) I've slapped a new exercise bike on my Amazon wishlist (birthday in September, so here's hoping :P) and I'm thinking of getting a couple of kettlebells and using…
  • Oh, I do log weekends, unless I'm on holiday and therefore internet connections are sparse/expensive. I just need to reign it in, methinks! Here's a point; do any of you have any suggestions for home-based exercising? I did have an exercise bike but it broke and I can't currently afford a new one. I can't afford a gym…
  • Thanks guys! I wouldn't say it's a conscious decision on a Friday though; in fact most weekends I find myself gearing up for being good, doing well at breakfast and lunch, then just nose-diving at the end of the day! Doesn't help that quite often, as a treat, we end up at the Hungry Horse that's at the bottom of our…
  • I really want to give Insanity a bash, but am struggling because reviews online are so mixed. Could someone run through it for me in terms of schedule, what sorts of movements/exercises are actually performed etc? I just want to know if it's something that a) I can physically do and b) I can fit into my fairly busy…
  • I'm no dietitian, but even I can tell you that this is a daft way to lose weight. The point of foing it the "normal way" (for want of better words) (i.e. reducing portions, being more in balance, jiggling about more) is that these are changes that are sustainable FOR LIFE without any ill effects on your health. This means…
  • I was thinking of starting the Park Runs (weekly 5ks in diferent parks around the country) but to run them properly you have to sign up, which means your time will be logged online so you can see where you placed... Not quite ready for that! I might just go along, scope out the course then run it later when everyone's gone…
  • I could do. I was hoping to find some free races that I can just then attach whatever meaning I want to it (i.e. I don't have to do it for charity at all if I decide against it). I think I'm just inventing obstacles in my head because I'm scared to embarrass myself in a race!!
  • If you want a change from salad every now and then; Tesco do a range of really yummy cartons of soup which tend to come in at around 100-200kcal per portion. There's 2 portions per carton so you can seperate and have with some snacks, or just have both portions as it'll still only be around 400kcal! I really like their…
  • Aside from the act that, from your ticker, it seems that surgery would be unneccassary, the biggest issue here is whether you'd be mentally prepared for surgery. You need to address your eating habits and behaviours first to ensure that, once surgery has taken place, you won't just continue to live as you do now and regain…
  • I do 3 things; if I'm out for a long night or big party (particularly if it's my own birthday celebrations and therefore want to have a few alcoholic treats), I try to do the following: 1. Do a bit more exercise the previous day, that day (if possible) and the following day to give me a little leeway for boozing 2. Do the…
  • One of the best things I've learned is the old 'metabolism-kickstart'. Most times that I fell off the wagon previously would be because my weight stayed stable for an extended period of time (i.e. I once weighed 13st 8lbs for a whole 3 months!) I'd get disheartened, start comfort eating and then slip back into my old…
  • That sounds utterly terrifying, I don't think I'm quite at the flaming-hoop stage yet :P
  • I hate to look like a corporate shill, and I must say that I have no affiliation with the Hairy Bikers or any companies they work for, but hot damn do I want to recommend their Hairy Dieters cook book! I think some of the recipes are online on the BBC website somewhere, but I have to say, I got the book for Christmas and…
  • Thanks very much :)
  • Splendid, thank you!
  • I had a very similar problem; my stomach often bloats up and distends, often to the point of being very round and hard like a pregnant belly. My GP did tests for Coeliac Disease and when they came back clear he basically gave up on it. Instead, I referred myself to a dietitian. She went through my food diaries (which I'd…
  • Hey, I'm living in Great Barr at the moment, feel free to add me :) I would also love some ideas for exercise spots; my local super cheap gym at a school recently closed to the public, and I'm a bit too skinted to join any others. Been trying to take up jogging but what with the Day After Tomorrow-esque weather I've not…
  • I'm finding it harder this time around too. I lost 55lbs for my wedding in May 2011, then due to a particularly emotionally draining bout of jury service the week after said wedding and lastinga little over a month, I fell immediately off the healthy wagon. It was comfort-eating city for me. Steadily over the latter half…
  • Yesterday I was out jogging and some teenage boy was shouting something at me from across the road. I was about to take my headphones off and give him what for, as I am so used to negative things being bellowed at me by rude people, until I realised he was shouting "Go on girl! Keep it up!" If I'd have been in a chair I'd…
  • I was pescatarian for 8 years (from 15-23years old) and actually lost weight when I started getting meat back into my life again. I found that meat subsitutes such as Quorn and Linda McCartney foods just didn't fill me like meat did, so I tended to eat twice as much as I would do with meat, or I would snack in between…
  • SW: 224lbs CW: 200.4lbs GW for end of Sept: 195.4lbs GW: 150lbs Weigh in Dates: 9/1 : 200.4lbs 9/7 : 199.1lbs (sorry, I weigh on Thurs/Fridays!) 9/15 : 9/22 : 9/30 : Total lost in Sept: 1.3lbs
  • SW: 224lbs CW: 200.4lbs GW for end of Sept: 195.4lbs GW: 150lbs Weigh in Dates: 9/1 : 200.4 9/8 : 9/15 : 9/22 : 9/30 : Total lost in Sept:
  • Right oh, I'm in! Although my weigh in dates will be a bit off as I only have access to scales on Thursdays and Fridays when I work in clinics... Got to try really hard as my birthday is in the middle of the month, so I must be sure not to go nuts and fall off the wagon, birthday-style! SW: 224lbs CW: 200.4lbs GW for end…
  • Extra food will always go to 'waste'; either wasted in the bin or wasted in your body when you don't want/need it. Therefore, if it's a food you don't feel you can consume as part of a balanced meal before it goes bad, or you don't want to/can't freeze it for some reason, bin it. It'll only go to waste in your body too,…
  • It's two weeks on Saturday; eep! Luckily I still fit into the dress quite nicely, so I just have to be careful about my choices between now and the wedding. Hoping to get back into going to the gym and such afterwards.
  • Ooh, I'm doing terribly these past few weeks... I'm back up to 177lbs again, which is irritating, but I know exactly why; pre-wedding last minute stress eating and having a lack of time to hit the gym. Trying to control myself and not eat treats is making me stress out all the more and eat even more. Yikes. Hoping that…
  • *hugs to Nikki* I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Well done on your loss though :) Despite a pig-tastic Easter weekend, I managed to shift 2 of the 5 hen-party-gain pounds this week, and it's TOM, so maybe it's a little better than that. Hoping that after this long weekend I can get more into the swing of things again…
  • Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have weighed in this week after the EPIC hen weekend. Gained 5 pounds, so effectively ruined all the good work I did during the challenge :( And with the next two weekends being long weekends I know I'm gonna struggle getting back on track. Tried to comfort myself by looking at old photos and seeing…