&-Week Challenge Team Europe / UK



  • Stacebob85
    Stacebob85 Posts: 95
    Ooh, I'm doing terribly these past few weeks... I'm back up to 177lbs again, which is irritating, but I know exactly why; pre-wedding last minute stress eating and having a lack of time to hit the gym. Trying to control myself and not eat treats is making me stress out all the more and eat even more. Yikes. Hoping that once the wedding is sorted, I'll b able to settle back into a routine again.
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    Well done Nikki, i want some of them non gaining pasties lol.... since eating better i hadnt had anything with pastry, the other day i tried one small cocktail sausage roll fresh from the oven and omg it left me with bad stomach cramps and indegestion lol so i wont go near pastry again.
    Stace weddings are one of the most stressful times going.Try not to worry to much and try make some good choices even if you have some bad mixed in at least you might maintain then :) How long till the big day now ?

    I went to a new zumba class last night and wow it knocked my socks off hahaha talk about feel the burn, i loved it but walking like i lost my horse this morning... Heres to a loss this week, stayed the same last week. Good luck everyone with weigh in xx
  • Stacebob85
    Stacebob85 Posts: 95
    It's two weeks on Saturday; eep! Luckily I still fit into the dress quite nicely, so I just have to be careful about my choices between now and the wedding. Hoping to get back into going to the gym and such afterwards.
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    wooohooo 2 weeks :) no wonder your stressing a little bit lol enjoy every minute of it hun the run up to it and the wedding and when your a married woman we can all nag you and kick ya butt into action :) but if it was me for now id concentrate on you and your special day... huge congrats to you and may you both be very happy :) xxx
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Hi ladies, my weight this weekend 129.6 so still going down slowly.
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    Well done evies :) and fab job on your run :) i got 2lb till i get to goal but dont know if ill stop there or go lower lol people are telling me ive lost enough now and to concentrate on toning up but im worried about stopping and eating more now. I ended up trying to eat maintance for the day yesterday and lost the plot and pigged out. grrrrr lol have a good week all xx