SERinDC Member


  • I also always feel like I'm overheating when I run. A few weeks ago I did a 11.5 mile training run in the rain. If you like shorts just as much as capris, I'd say do shorts. I wore running capris on that run and they were so stuck to my body it wasn't great. They weren't super uncomfortable, just stuck on wet. I wore a…
  • I'm going to start tomorrow morning. I'm training for half marathon, 10 miler running races and triathlons.... I know the whole go easy on the cardio recommendation, but that's not really feasible for me right now. I'm going to attempt doing NROLFW three days a week, but if it totally fries my legs and messed up my running…
  • Wow, great work! It's so inspiring to see such a huge lifestyle change. You look amazing and even better than you feel amazing too. Way to go!!!
  • Congrats on your races too! That's great to see such an awesome improvement in time. I'm definitely recovering and taking it easy this week! I was just being funny about the burger, nap, and mani/pedi-- haha those were just things I did the day of the half marathon, but now I'm taking it easy this week and then going to…
  • 5'3 at 132 in a size 4 or size 27 jeans (when the sizes go by waist/hips measurements) I moved from a 6 to a 4 by only losing 5.5 pounds (Started at 137.5), but with those 5 pounds I lost a LOT of inches. All my size 6s are currently falling off.
  • Nice!!!! Great job finishing. I completed my first on Saturday too :) It's so interesting to hear different people's experiences because I was find the first 11+ miles and the last couple were hell for me-- certainly wasn't zooming past anyone LOL. I found it to be such a great experience I might sign up for another in…
  • Me too! I joined a triathlon club last year and did two international distance races. This year I'm signed up for a sprint and will do another international distance too. Also do running races as well :) So happy tri-season is here!
  • woops it accidentally posted again- but see my post above.
    in Runners? Comment by SERinDC March 2012
  • I just did a Rock N Roll race this past weekend and it was SO much fun! Great bands and lots of people out cheering. Very organized race for 24,000 runner-- highly recommend it!
  • Feel free to add me, I just posted a topic yesterday about tips from my half marathon on Saturday. I'm always looking for tips and advice from other runners too :)
    in Runners? Comment by SERinDC March 2012
  • Mine was initially set to 1200, but yes as a minimum you should eat at least your BMR of 1302. Since I am very active I have custom set mine to 1700 (often go over that) and am still losing weight. My BMI is 23.4, so I'm also at a "healthy weight." If you use the link below after filling out the info it will give you…
  • My post half marathon race day recovery plan includes: 1. Eat a burger 2. Take a nap 3. Get a mani/pedi Haha, works like a charm :)
  • I have essentially the same thing but Amphipod is the brand. I carried my water bottle every step of the way on my half marathon this past weekend. Everyone's different, and I'm like you and NEED my water on my runs. Just about every run.
  • I like Shot Bloks and Sport Jelly Beans. Both are chewy unlike GU which basically is like a thick liquid you eat all at once. All of these things pretty much have a combo of carbs, sugar, electrolytes, etc. I take a water bottle with me on almost every run (personal preference and I require a ton of water). I ran a half…
  • Thanks everyone! Also, I don't know if this helped me focus on runs or not, but in the last several months I have completely stopped wearing headphones/listening to music while running. Now I only run with other people or just thinking to myself-- great way to clear your mind. Part of this was inspired by not wanting to…
  • Wow-- good luck on your race this weekend! I completely racked my brain for all potential tips and dumped them into this post, so can't think of any others on the top of my head right now. If you have any questions before your race, feel free to message me! Who knows, maybe I could be helpful! Best of luck!!
  • Congrats on your 5K! That's so exciting. Racing at any distance is so inspiring and fun :) Great confidence booster to cross the finish! Not sure about a marathon-- haha feel like I need a few half marathons under my belt before leaping into that. I would consider a half ironman though... (it's like crazy swimming,…
  • Most training plans run about 3 months long and require/recommend that you can run 5 miles easily before embarking. So, I'd say focus first on getting to 5 miles and feeling comfortable there before moving on to training for the whole race. To get to 5 miles of straight running, try increasing how much you can run in one…
  • I either eat like two bites of a protein bar before the run and finish the rest later or just bring more shotbloks with me than usual for an extra burst of energy. Interested to see what others say too...
  • Cool! Good luck on your May 6th race! I had so much fun I'm considering signing up for another one in May :) Beware: half marathons may be addictive haha
  • Thanks :) Yeah, unexpected hills are a big pace killer! It is so helpful to really prep for them and know they're coming. Unexpected hills in a race are never fun. I'm very excited that my race in 2 weeks is 100% flat!! That's one way to prepare -- avoid them entirely LOL.
  • Wow, you look awesome- great achievement!! I just started reading New Rules of Lifting for Women and am now really inspired to put it into action.
  • Going to a local running store and getting fitted as others have mentioned is key. However, some give discounts to YMCA members or have sales around certain holidays, so if you're looking for a cheaper option, don't skimp on shoe quality, but instead buy when they are 20% off full price!!
  • sounds like there's a deeper issue at play. Maybe he's insecure of what will happen if you lose weight while he doesn't want to stick with the program and do it too? Not sure, but try to have an open honest conversation about why this is really important to you and why his support is so vital. You are trying to…
  • My first half marathon is a week from Saturday!!! Eeeek! I also do triathlons :) I'll add you now!
  • Running is free therapy.
  • Luna Bar has a new line called Luna Protein. Pretty good. 190 cals or less. I've tried cookie dough and chocolate peanut butter. Both were pretty good. I think 12 g of protein.
  • I'll add you! I'm training for my first half-marathon in two weeks and I also do triathlons. I've recently started adding more weight training and think it's really showing good results :)