
Hi Everyone,

I started running at the beginning of this year and so far have logged about 200 miles on Nike+. I started using MyFitnessPal about the same time to track my progress. At first it was about calorie control...but now its about so much more :) I slowly started focusing and changing my diet to meet my calcium, protein, and vitamin needs. I would love to meet like minded people - lets share food diaries and running training tips!



  • LaurenMichelle004
    LaurenMichelle004 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me! I'm training for a half marathon on May 6th. My longest run to train so far was 7 miles (this past Sunday). I'd love to be able to share / learn some tips! :)
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    Feel free to add me...I used to do marathons and triathalons and then really got into the adventure races. The last few years due to deployments and what not I have not been running as much, but have started up again recently.

    I have very little knowledge on the vitamins etc but would enjoy learning about the impact it has on both fitness and weight control.

  • nlepine84
    nlepine84 Posts: 145 Member
    Hey add me as well. I'm training for a 10km on May 6 and a Half Marathon on May 12. I just started running last summer and have found out that I actually like it more than I thought I would.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Google Runners World Magazine, they have TONS of articles on there where you can find amazing info!
  • priscilla82c
    priscilla82c Posts: 3 Member
    I'm almost 30 and haven't ran since high school. I'd love to get some tips that you used when you started running at the beginning of the year. :happy:
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm a beginning runner, training for my first 5k, and I love it! I started about 2 weeks ago and have only logged about 13 miles on Nike+, but that's great for someone who was never really a runner to begin with!
  • KatesBadAss
    KatesBadAss Posts: 38 Member
    You're more than welcome to add me as well! I've run three 5k's and a 10K just last addicting!!
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    Fell free to add me. I'm training for my 4th half marathon coming up on May 5th. I'm always looking for a stronger support network.
  • SERinDC
    SERinDC Posts: 93 Member
    Feel free to add me, I just posted a topic yesterday about tips from my half marathon on Saturday. I'm always looking for tips and advice from other runners too :)
  • Andrea681
    Andrea681 Posts: 178 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I used to hate running (big boobs, no stamina) but now that I've lost some weight I'm really getting into it. I just did a 5k (the first one where I was able to run the whole way, before I'd always walk most of the way) and am training for a 12k next. I would love to meet some like minded people to share training tips with. :)
  • lmd172
    lmd172 Posts: 172
    i just started in feb and did my first 7 miles this past saturday...have a 5K on april 14 and another on may 5...and i'm going to sign up for a half in november! the running bug has def bitten me!

    would love to have some like minded mfp's to keep me 'on track'...
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Feel free to add me :) Always a fan of more running friends!
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member

    I'm training for the Disney full marathon in January. :) Started using C25K and now I'm using Jeff Galloway's training schedule.
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 619 Member
    feel free to add me too!

    I also use nike + alot and have been curious to use the "tag" game they have but none of my friends use it!
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    I'm almost 30 and haven't ran since high school. I'd love to get some tips that you used when you started running at the beginning of the year. :happy:

    I run 1 minute straight, then walk for 5 minutes. I repeat for 30 minutes. After I'm use to that, I increase my run by a minute, and decrease my walk by a minute. Right now I am at a 2 minute run and a 4 minute walk. It works great for me! Eventually i will be able to run for 30 minutes straight, then I will work on speed :D
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Always looking for other runners! I just ran my 8th half marathon this past Sunday and I'm training for, what will be my fourth, marathon in Switzerland in September (assuming I can get a passport before the race fills up).
  • SERinDC
    SERinDC Posts: 93 Member
    woops it accidentally posted again- but see my post above.
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 619 Member
    I'm almost 30 and haven't ran since high school. I'd love to get some tips that you used when you started running at the beginning of the year. :happy:

    I run 1 minute straight, then walk for 5 minutes. I repeat for 30 minutes. After I'm use to that, I increase my run by a minute, and decrease my walk by a minute. Right now I am at a 2 minute run and a 4 minute walk. It works great for me! Eventually i will be able to run for 30 minutes straight, then I will work on speed :D

    this style of training has worked great for me as well. You can just make it up yourself, it i really suggest googleing couch to 5k or couch to 10k (thats what I'm on now) to give you a breakdown of 3 running/walking workouts a week
  • Stenkler
    Stenkler Posts: 8 Member
    i used to run some, but had to have knee surgery. Tried to start back up a month ago and went too hard too fast. Made up my mind to get it done, but slower. Started day 1 of Couch to 5K (C25K app). I hope I can keep it up to help lose weight and burn stress.

    Does anyone have any tips on quad strengthening? Gravity is hitting the front of my thighs all of a sudden and its enough to make me cry.
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    woops it accidentally posted again- but see my post above.

    Check out the links I posted. :) It's helping me a lot.