Any triathlete out there?

trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
Oops should be "Any triathletes out there?" Looking for fellow triathletes to friend on MFP. The race season is almost here and I would love to connect with other members who are training and trying to lose weight at the same time!


  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    I'm NOT a triahlete.. but I am training for dualthon (run 1.8/ride 11/run 1.8) ... and am trying to lose weight.. also am doing the warrior dash!
  • iwantniceabs
    iwantniceabs Posts: 357 Member
    oooh! Me! I did my first one last summer and plan to do another this August!!
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Sure are.
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    Not currently but very interested in starting. Doing some research now. :-)
  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    I'm a triatlete, I'm signed up for 2 sprints and an olympic distance so far this season.
  • SERinDC
    SERinDC Posts: 93 Member
    Me too! I joined a triathlon club last year and did two international distance races. This year I'm signed up for a sprint and will do another international distance too. Also do running races as well :) So happy tri-season is here!
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    I won't call myself a triathlete. However, I have done about 10, and I am currently training for Wildflower (70.3) for the third time (for a charity both times).
  • flvsusandy
    flvsusandy Posts: 63 Member
    I am currently training for my first full marathon in April but after that I will start training for my first triathlon. I am looking forward to it but to be honest I'm a little nervous about the swimming portion! :)
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    I'm not a triathlete yet, but I am training for my first one in July!
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    Just joined the group. Thanks!
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    Not currently but very interested in starting. Doing some research now. :-)
    I did the very same thing before jumping in. In fact I worked my way up from doing a 10k run race, 10 mile run race, duathlon the next summer, and then did my first tri. I was so hooked that I signed up for a second one the next month and have never looked back!
  • Tasolie
    Tasolie Posts: 22 Member
    Check out Adventure Racing.... I LOVE IT!
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    I have always wanted to do it and now I think I am going to go for it. This weekend I am volunmteering at one. I think that will also help me see the live action. :-) I probably won't be in onw until next summer but would love to hear any stories. Do you do your own training plans, online, coach? Very curious.
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    I have always wanted to do it and now I think I am going to go for it. This weekend I am volunmteering at one. I think that will also help me see the live action. :-) I probably won't be in onw until next summer but would love to hear any stories. Do you do your own training plans, online, coach? Very curious.
    Volunteering is a great way to be involved. It will make you appreciate the volunteers even more when you do compete. I think the first couple of years I raced I followed a plan from a book (one that Triathlete magazine published). Now I just do my own thing making sure I hit all of the disciplines and don't increase more than 10% from the week before. I probably should just sit down and find a good plan to follow now that I've been doing it for a few years.
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 253 Member
    Doing my first triathlon this summer! Kind of excited and nervous. What in the heck have I gotten myself into!?