hellomanen Member


  • I can strech and touch my toes again! and not just my fingertips but actually grab them! :smiley:
  • I'm kind of some people's twin! 22 years old 5'10 ish SW: 242 (First time) SW: 221.5 (I've been back for like a week now) CW: 216.7 GW: 155
  • Hi! I'm Mila and my superpower is cheering people up and motivating them to do their thing while I'm a couch potato! TF2 succky addict, just graduated from college, got my bachellor degree on, starting internship on monday :smiley:
  • DON'T the scale plots against you with your cycle, so avoid at al costs
  • congrats! I'm barely on my second week but I'm not as breathless after or during my workouts so yay!
  • Team Fortress 2! never knew i needed it until I played it! And that's saying something since I'm awful and usually hate fps games!
  • I'm a 5'10'' peruvian, my country is a short people country so the nicknames were never ending And I feel your struggle! Noone noticed my (former) 25-30lbs drop! while a friend lost like 5-10 and she look so different you couldn't even tell it was the same person!
  • omg I loved those so much!! <3 Also Dragon Ball and dragon Ball Z Sakura card captor,hunter x hunter, FMA... At least those are all I remember now, man I need to catch up in some of this things too college drains me in all anime and manga wise x.x (and anything non-college related really)
  • Joiful06 I think we are twins! 22 y/o 5'10'' SW: 242 lbs CW: 205 lbs GW: 170-165 ish I was at 188ish last year on August but a series of unfortunate events (including thesis and dad's sudden hospitalization kind of untracked me... a lot :neutral_face: ) But hey! I'm back! I'm still 40 pounds under my highest weight so…
  • I'm 5'10'' and everything's about that bass x.x My butt and stomach take it all in I was a size 22/20 at 242 lbs (110kgs) (if i'm not wrong sizes are different here) and I went down till 18/16 now I'm back at 20/18 wich is a bummer but is now a matter of keep going :)
  • Hi! I'm Mila! I am going to weigh in on Mondays. 29th sept: Current Weight: 193 Goal Weight for 6th: 193 (because the 1st will be my bday and I'll be celebrating it on the weekend because college which means no sleep and tons of food) 6th Current Weight: 196 D: Goal weight for 13th: 194 DAAAAAAAAAAAARN weekend bash was way…
  • Hi! I'm Mila! I am going to weigh in on Mondays. 29th sept: Current Weight: 193 Goal Weight for 6th: 193 (because the 1st will be my bday and I'll be celebrating it on the weekend because college which means no sleep and tons of food) 6th Current Weight: 196 D: Goal weight for 13th: 194 DAAAAAAAAAAAARN weekend bash was way…
  • Hi! I'm Mila! I am going to weigh in on Mondays. 29th sept: Current Weight: 193 Goal Weight for 6th: 193 (because the 1st will be my bday and I'll be celebrating it on the weekend because college which means no sleep and tons of food) 6th Current Weight: Goal weight for 13th: 13th Current Weight: Goal Weight for 20th: 20th…
  • <<Hey! did you got taller!? how's that even possible?!!?>> I'm already tall but just seeing their little surprised faces is awesome :)
  • mini goals: *renew work out gear and then buy some more *that skirt I have since forever that just keeps whispering at me *SOON* Final goal prize: *swimsuit! I havent worn one since I was in highschool! I've never been much of a beach fan but I do love swimming and we have this hole family trip planned with my baby niece…
  • I can do most of the jumpkicks in les mills combat <3 when I first started the program I figured I'd have to finish the first 2 programs before I could even attempt it but now I know I can do it! I'm so proud of myself dor being able to get my feet (and my bum) out of the floor!
  • Oh god tell me about it! I graduate this december and I'm losing sleep over thesis and proyects and whatnot! keeping fit is extremely hard specially when the teachers decide to send an email at 11pm saying that the proyect is due tomorrow x.x But its possible! I've lost 40+ lbs so far and I'm still on track (as well as you…
  • oh me me! this winter was specially awful! I wore like 3 sweaters everywhere i went and fuzzy shoes and knited socks and everyone was like "ARE YOU SERIOUS IS NOT THAT COLD!!" but for me it was! Good thing tho: in summer you don't get all hot and sweaty! is awesome! :D
  • almond milk, stevia, a dash of 100%cacao cocoa (hersheys might work but just a teaspoon, make sure it doesnt have anything but cacao in it) and chia seeds! on the fridgee for 15-20 minutes BOOM CHOCOLATE PUDDING! sometimes is not about ditching 100% the craving but finding ways to make it work on a healthier way! :)
  • I'm about to finish the first calendar ( combat warrior) and will be starting the supreme warrior workout calendar next week!
  • I'm 5'10" and I was on 242 pounds, I've dropped 2 pant sizes so far and almost 50 pounds, went from 49 inches to 45 in my low hips! In Uk size I believe and from 52 to a 48! :D And 42 to 38 in Latin American Sizes! In the USA that would be from over a 20 to a 16-18 size? anyway here is the comparison I did a few weeks…
  • hi! I'm Mila! 21 (soon 22 years old) currently lost 21 kgs/46 pounds feel free to add me :)
  • thank you wonderful people! :D you are true inspirations! stay healthy, fit and fab! :heart:
  • I was playing Zelda: a Link to the past... but college got in the way and left it before I could finish it :( and still waiting on that darn copy of StarCraft HOTS a friend borrowed - lesson learned - and I haven't even played it yet! :noway:
  • about six months, december this year - if my thesis is approved - I get my bachelors degree so cross your fingers for me a wish me luck people!
  • oh wow you are such an inspiration! congrats! you look fantastic!
  • thank you guys! It's really nice to be a part in such a supportive community! :) keep on improving and being the awesome people you already are! :D
  • ok first of all WHY ARE YOU TRAINING FOR SO LONG!?!? It's about intensity and not so much about time! don't do so much alltogether! do one thing (maybe even 2) one day and then the other thing the next day! thats number 1 2.- check out that watch of yours, something's not right 3. I would seriously recommend adding some…