

  • I figured I would do what i could, I am sure aware of what my heart can handle and what it can't I have had it my whole life- and I used to do Martial arts. But yes I will call my doctor before doing any sort of exercise. as for walking i do at least 30 mins a day, I have a dog i walk multipul times a day to keep him from…
    in Its time Comment by cahalith April 2013
  • okay this feels like a dumb question---define eating clean? If you need since its not the correct place for that topic. PM me?
    in Its time Comment by cahalith April 2013
  • I'm 5'2" an 204 ISh I struggle with logging, but I'm working fixing that.
  • okay thank you-- last time i worked nocs, It was only an 8 hours shift which was no problem and I never ate on my shift I was way too busy in comparison.
  • work night shift too and before I go to bed, I know this sounds strange but I have a hard boiled egg- I take it with me to work and when I get off work I crack it open eat it as I got to my car, drive home and by the time i get home (15-30 minutes depends on whether and traffic) I am ready to go to bed) I have a question…
  • So its been 5 days since I haven't drank any pop, I have no proof other then the fact that my body doesn't hurt as much as it did when i was drinking the diet pop. my doctor did tell me that Aspartame can be for some people an inflammatory- so I suspect in my case this was the situation. My opinion, soda sugar or not isn't…
  • I love tea, sometimes when I want to snack and I know I am not hungry and I am just board I have been fixing tea, which has been proving a really good time killer and distraction that has curved my snacking issue. as for the dehydration, if I am drinking tea, maybe then I should compensate by drinking even more water?
  • It's Great advice, think you, I will see what habits I an rework.