Its time

Its time I start exercising.- at this point i don't really care about the weight loss, I just want to be fit- and have stamina to do things I enjoy like going to walks in the park.

I was thinking about INSANITY- but I am not sure what exactly to think, has any one on this site used it for the full 60 days and have positive, or negative results?

from what i've looked into its seems like it would be the one that would up my endurance level and have the added bonus of weight loss.....

What do you all think?


  • debralekicsummers
    debralekicsummers Posts: 56 Member
    It will blow your mind. I have done Insanity and it rocks. It helped me so much, it is hard but so worth it. You will be stunned by how quickly your fitness level improves and you will see amazing results, especially in month 2. Your body literally changes before your eyes. But you have to eat clean and push yourself if you want the changes. Don't be phased if you can't do all the moves in the beginning do what you can and every day you will get stronger. I have done a few rounds and still can't do some of it. The nice thing about it is it will kick your butt every time and you don't just get stronger physically but mentally too. Shaun T is an excellent motivator and as you can see i am one of Insanity's biggest fans. You won't go wrong. " ' come on you all, let's go!!!!" (my favorite saying in the workout) Good luck !
  • cahalith
    cahalith Posts: 11
    okay this feels like a dumb question---define eating clean? If you need since its not the correct place for that topic. PM me?
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I see by your profile you have heart issues. I would suggest you ask a doctor if you are safe to do this. It's serious exercise! You also have a lot to lose so I'd say start with walking or swimming perhaps. Why push yourself so hard so soon when it may be dangerous?
  • cahalith
    cahalith Posts: 11
    I figured I would do what i could, I am sure aware of what my heart can handle and what it can't I have had it my whole life- and I used to do Martial arts. But yes I will call my doctor before doing any sort of exercise.

    as for walking i do at least 30 mins a day, I have a dog i walk multipul times a day to keep him from getting hyper. and I have no access to a pool. But both are great suggestions, thank you. :)