visiri Member


  • PW - I think was 200. something (sorry - I should be keeping better track) CW - 199.2
  • Apologies! Last week was an emotional bear and a lot of carbs and comfort food were consumed. CW - 200.2 I think my PW was 197.8
  • SW 199 PW 199 CW 197.8 (YAY!! I busted off of my plateau - hopefully I'm not stuck here now for weeks)
  • No change - but I've been fighting a cold and not exercising all week. PW - 199 CW - 199
  • Also - September starting weight is 199, not sure where to post that today.
  • Hey there! I’m Virginia, am in my 50s as well. Have a sophomore in HS son and will be working until after he graduates from college. I was the super skinny kid that had their metabolism reverse on them in their 30s. I’ve lost the weight a few times and have just felt stuck. My MIL refused to move and take care of herself…
  • here are my stats for the end of the month. Since I only have access via the app most of the week, keeping up with everyone is hard (only tracking seems to work well). So I will not be joining for August. Maybe I'll have better access to a computer in the future and I can join back in. PW 200.6 CW 199.8 Steps: 7/26 5171…
  • Ugh! I actually hit 199.2 earlier this week, but of course up on official weigh day! CW 200.6 PW 200.8 Steps 7/19 1859 7/20 4803 7/21 7936 7/22 2714 7/23 7039 7/24 4617 7/25 5339
  • I have given up on the phone app - it's terrible for the community pages. Here are my results for the past week PW 201.2 (I think - it's been a few weeks) CW 200.8 Steps (exercise really kills the numbers, but I definitely need to be more consistent) 7/12 9146 7/13 13928 7/14 5221 7/15 4036 7/16 5807 7/17 2673 7/18 3093
  • Back home, will step on scale tomorrow. Back to food tracking too. I was pretty good while o was away, so fingers crossed.
  • Here’s the site with the formula And thanks!!! I either cycle or walk for exercise, so converting keeps me competitive - as long as everyone is ok with it.
  • Hi all, I’m on vacation this week and don’t have a scale. Heck - I barely have WiFi or cell service. Clothes are fitting the same, so can we just keep last weeks weight? My ankle has improved a lot so it wasn’t a sprain! I’m still taking it easy though - I think it was the jumping jacks that did me in. Steps: 7/6 6994 7/7…
  • Thanks for the tips! Looks like I’ll be flapping my arms a lot over the next few weeks :)
  • I have injured my ankle, so this will be interesting moving forward. So frustrated, but I will keep on trying. My steps are not their usual, but it will be this way for a while, if it’s best I not have my numbers in - I understand:) - also- due to swelling my weight isn’t moving either. I’m not sure if it’s the same or up…
  • I'd try a different bra - most likely yours is squishing the "fat" the wrong way instead of giving you great cleavage.
    in Armpit fat? Comment by visiri July 2012
  • I still do that to an extent - I know I need to go running, I love to run, but getting out the door is a regular problem. Then I finally get out there and beat myself up for waiting too long to go. I'm trying to get my exercise in earlier in the day - that way I won't have as much time to fret about it before I go. To me…
  • I have sludge and was pretty much told it won't go away, but sludge doesn't make the surgery medically necessary, so I havent' had it done (not covered if elective). I have bouts of massive pain and it's usually do to having too much oil. Usually, it's not one meal that causes it, but a build up of fatty foods and then the…
  • I agree - why? I can't eat without having something to drink along with it. I think I'd choke without water.
  • OK - now I'm really confused. I went to the Fat 2 Fit site and I guess I did my forearm measurement wrong because it said I was within the healthy fat % range @ 27% (which I suppose could be correct) and that I only need to lose 4 lbs to get to my "healthy goal weight". No way that is right. I'm 5'9" and it says I just…
  • I like the message, it reminds to not dwell on today and to remember this is for the long haul. Five weeks seems so far away, I like the idea of thinking of myself X lbs less in 5 weeks, whether it's 2lbs or 7lbs.
  • How much water are you drinking? That's all I can add - I'd love to lose inches. Gaining muscle increases your metabolism and your clothes will start falling off. So, up your water, you're probably retaining fluid from your workouts - I know I do. Have to remember to not do strength day before weigh day to make my scale…
  • Yeah - I though I was medium build, then I lost 15 lbs and was playing around with my spinning rings and remeasured my wrist - I'm "small boned" who knew. I strongly recommend remeasuring as you lose weight if you are not small boned/framed as you might discover you are after some weight loss.
  • I don't think the circuit weights are silly - they are getting you moving, and giving you a foundation. Keep doing them and the new moves the PT showed you and slowly move away from the circuit to the free weights as your foundation gets stronger.
  • Nobody's too fat to exercise and it sounds like you're doing great too! My thought is that the trainer is worried about liability if you get hurt at the gym. Sounds like she gave you some good starter exercises, so do them, keep at them and get her to add more to your routine on a regular basis. I'm doing that for myself -…
  • For me - I don't do any of it in my head - I eat what I want and record it. I do make sure I check in mid-day to see how I'm doing caloriewise so I don't mess up too badly with dinner. It's how I motivate myself to exercise.
    in am i crazy? Comment by visiri April 2012
  • Is this the group named pin=ups or the other pin up girl group? I already weigh and measure weekly so no changes for me as long as it's ok to use Thursday data.
  • Have a blast!!! What a great feeling. And thank you for sharing re: your baggy clothes. Mine are getting really baggy, but I've been afraid to go try on new clothes thinking it's just that mine are stretched. I'm invigorated to go shopping in a few weeks now!!!
    in NSV! Comment by visiri April 2012
  • And the fact that you starved yourself and made it a diet and not a lifestyle, causing you to regain the weight so your back on the diet again. Yeah, that's working out great for you.
  • This!!! I've had to do this a few times, special day out with my son to help with the blow of not being included. When he has asked why, I've just told him that not everyone acts the right way and does rude things.
  • YAY!!!