alicenadams Member


  • I'd love support. I'll send you a friend request. Do you have a specific day to start?
    in Vitamix Comment by alicenadams July 2012
  • I just ordered a couple of nut milk bags on amazon. They should be here tomorrow. I usually juice a couple of times a day, but would like to do at least a 7 day just juice fast.... i need to look at the plans they have set up on the reboot website again, but was thinking the 15 day one looks good. I am sure I could do it.…
    in Vitamix Comment by alicenadams July 2012
  • I have it! Great pictures! To me, pictures make a cookbook. I have a hard time making something if I don't know what it's "supposed" to look like :) It isn't a "diet" cookbook, but I'm sure you could alter the fat content of any recipes that might need it. Another thing I love about it is that it uses main stream…
  • Yes!! Big fans in our house!!
  • I did a detox once, where it was an elimination diet over the course of ten days. Days 5-7, you only drank the supplement shake mixed with water or apple juice. Pretty sure I could only eat pears and apples those days. I did it with a friend who was trying it out at a chiropractors office she works for. It did help me with…
  • Yes, Peas & Thank You does! They are vegan and gluten free!
  • Just another suggestion. I have starting making pizza at home for our family. It's much better for us and I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. Maybe try some healthier alternatives to the "junk" you crave? I buy the pizza dough from the deli at the supermarket and doctor up my own sauce and pick what toppings I…
  • That must have felt really good to hear!! It is so true!!
  • I agree with previous posters that you should tell them and still go and enjoy yourself. I always bring a dish with me. My son has allergies so I make sure it's something the both of us can eat. Even if I just make a hummus wrap for us. Some easy things you could bring would be pitas, hummus, tabouleh. A lot of that you…
  • Totally annoying!! Stoneyfield has whey in their soy yogurt!! My son has a severe diary allergy and I found this stuff crazy when I was first getting use to what to buy for him, which in turn led to our vegan home. I just don't get it!!
  • I started on a plant based journey two years ago. My youngest son, now 2, is allergic to dairy, eggs, and nuts. I was SO overwhelmed by this at first so I started doing research. I am a stay at home Mom to a 6 year old girl and two boys (3 & 2). I also babysit my nephew and will have his sister when she's born later this…
  • Thanks gang!! I am going with the moroccan carrot salad tonight because I think the spices will compliment the falafe already on tonights menul! Thanks!!
  • This one is actually really good too:
  • Happy Herbivore: Peas & Thank You: Oh She Glows: Healthy. Happy. Life: Epicurious Vegan: These are all on my reader and I find myself making recipes from them time and time again!
  • I agree. Vegan Brunch has a great recipe. I make it almost every morning for my kids before school. I just switch up 1/2 whole wheat flour for the unbleached flour. Feel free to add me as a friend if you need support. I check in several times a day!
  • Daiya!! I only use a tiny bit of it though because I'm one of the ones mentioned above that are over powered by the creaminess of it when melted. I find a little Daiya goes a long delicious way!