

  • There is always keeping it to himself - y'know if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
  • Working someplace is different than being a paying client. If they didn't tell her no, when she paid and signed up than the rules shouldn't change mid-stream. A woman's religious choice shouldn't be a "judgement free" issue, it's an issue of religious liberty. I work at an all women's gym and much of the clientele goes…
  • Sirihermine - THAT is a beautiful wedding photo!!!!
  • Take the total calories in the cake mix (just the mix, not with the ingredients) and then multiply by the number of servings there are supposed to be. That's going to be your CAKE TOTAL for our purposes here. Figure your total number of calories for the egg whites based on whether you use 1 or 2 and will call that your EGG…
  • You can't spot reduce. I'm sorry; I know that is not what you want to hear. Can you learn to love them for what they do for you?
  • Woot! Woot! Woot!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheering and screaming for you!!!!!
  • Please only take nutritional advice from a registered dietician and fitness advice from a certified trainer or group exercise instructor. Some of the comments above range from inaccurate to downright dangerous.
  • You'll definitely want an actual meal to get to the 900 calories and if you're down 900 calories b/c of exercise please be sure to have some protein SOON after your workout and you may find coconut water helpful as it helps to replenish many of the nutrients you lost through exercise, especially potassium which is…
  • I have a Mio that I got on Amazon with no chest strap and it does fairly well. I know for sure that the heart rate is accurate. Just be aware that with no chest strap you have to be cognizant of the changes in your heart rate during your workout and mindful to monitor them to capture a good snapshot of several different…