

  • I try to do the same thing. However being in Afghanistan some times makes it hard to track what you ate. So I exercise daily and try not to intake the extra calories!
  • I'm from everywhere, stationed outta New York but currently in this God foresaken country!
  • I try not to weigh myself too much or often, because for me that's unmotivating. I go off the way my clothes fit. But I do weigh myself once a month between the 1st & 5th
  • HA HA HA...it wasn't be when I was up there was it? *LOL* People tell me that every time I "snack" on somethng. I try not to overeat on not so healthy snacks, but every once in a while I do and I account for them on my calorie intake. And when I do eat those things of things, I eat healthier the next day and work out an…
  • Lokah == crazy and everyone says I am crazy so I chose LOKAH and 13 is my favorite number. Plus this is my username for EVERYTHING and my tags even say that!
  • The weight you gained might have been muscle weight. Keep in ,mind that muscle weighs more than fat (that I'm saying your fat) but everyone has little bit of fat in them.
    in HELP Comment by Lokah13 February 2012
  • I recently got over strep throat, when I first started getting sick, I kept on running because I did not know it was strep throat. 4 days of running 5-7 miles a day while being sick did not help any, on the the 5th day I finally went to see the doctor. I was put on bed rest for 5 days because it was that bad. My body was…
  • I think I understand what you're saying....250 calories a day is NOTHING. Most people eat @ least between 300-600 calories a day depending on what you're trying to do with your body. Basically with only 250 calories in one day, in my opionion you are missing out on a complete day's food with only that little amount of…
  • I don't input my food intake or exercise until that evening. I write down all my foods so I can keep better track. After I eat dinner after my evening workout and than get on the computer so I never intake those "earned calories." I find that to for me to lose weight, I have to burn more calories than what I intake; which…
  • You gotta stay positive and find exercised you enjoy doing. Me personally I love running and by love I mean love. I run 5-10 miles daily, that was until I got hurt and now it hurts to run even 2 miles, but even through the pain I run daily because I love it and want to reach my goal weigh. Good Luck!
  • The most I ever weighed wsa 150. Many of you are probably thinking that's nothing but at 5 foot even, for me that is way to much. I currently at 139 and want to get down to 125.