I normally give up, but not this time.....

Im a girl who will always give up when ever i start a new diet or start excersiong....and my husband wants to support me but because he knows i give up he has given up too.......i started doing Zumba now and im so sure i will stick to it......diet wise im still struggling a bit........i hope Myfitnesspal will keep me motivated.....good luck to all you beautiful peeps out there xx


  • Lokah13
    You gotta stay positive and find exercised you enjoy doing. Me personally I love running and by love I mean love. I run 5-10 miles daily, that was until I got hurt and now it hurts to run even 2 miles, but even through the pain I run daily because I love it and want to reach my goal weigh. Good Luck!
  • Sanduni
    thanks gal, ye im gonna try my best this time.........all me fingers crossed.....i really wanna get in shape....problem with me is that i dont go to the gym, and as i work full time 5 days a week i tend to be so tired when i come home...and i have a lil girl too so its a massive challenge for me.....but ye this time im so gonna do it :) x
  • ybarbara
    Set yourself a goal. One you really want and is specific. Not just "I want to lose weight" or "I want to look good" but something specific and attainable. Specific could be, "I want to exercise xx minutes 3 days a week" or "I want to lose 5 lbs by xx date" My goal is I want to complete a 5K at the end of April. I have steps written out to help me attain that goal. Another goal of mine was to lose 30 lbs. That is not my ultimate weight goal but one that is attainable. When I lose the 30 I'll reset my goal and go on. Give yourself rewards (they do not have to be food, how about a special pair of shoes or something you've wanted for a while).

    Good Luck and hang in there!
  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 137 Member
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    My best advice? Set small mini goals with non-food rewards. Looking at the overall picture can be very daunting. Looking at it in smaller increments makes it easier to achieve the goals.

    For example:

    Lose 10lbs - new workout clothes

    Lose 20lbs - new hair cut

    Things like that. And I NEVER, EVER set date goals (I will lose 10lbs by a certain date) because our bodies don't always do what we want them to do on this journey and it leads to frustration, a feeling of failure and disappointment.

    You can do this. If you want it, you can do it. Don't let the challenges of life interfere in things. It won't be easy, but I promise you it'll be worth it!
  • Sanduni
    thank you so much for all the wonderful advices gals....really appriciate it! im gonna set a goal from today and gonna work hard to achieve this :) you all are amazing! im so glad i joined myfitnesspal...so much motivation and encouragement love it :) thanks a lot xxx