

  • Hi!! I have been RIGHT where you are. It's baby steps all the way. I have been on here off and on for 5 years. I have lost over 100 + lbs and had a baby in there too! Welcome and joining MFP is a GREAT first step. If i can help encourage you in any way let me know. :wink:
  • This is one of my favorites! I got out of Health magazine. 1 can white beans 1 can artichoke hearts 1 garlic clove and 1 TB spoon olive oil. Rinse the beans off in cold water to reduce salt/starch. Last usually 3 days in fridge. You can use veggies or baked pita chips (limit them) for dipping. Mix in food processor or…
  • You're on your way! Remember, it's a lifestyle change..not a diet or a short term thing. I am 5'2 and started at 255. I am 176 (ish) ....go btween 175 and 178 lately. I don't know why I always fluctuate between 2-3 pounds depending on the time of day but I've learned to deal with it and not stress. But please know that you…
  • Well here is your test. You will not let this set you back in to your old habits that got you in to this mess or you will cave and sabotage yourself. I am seeing patterns of those of us who have lots of weight to lose or have battled it our whole live (not the ones who were sticks, had a baby and are so upset about the…
  • 1 piece of low calorie whole grain toast (no butter), 1 Morning Star veggie sausage patty, and 1 c. of skim milk... ... Reward: one large cup of strong coffee with a treat of full flavored coffee mate creamer Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I can't thank you enough for sharing you success and now the baby news. I am 34 and my husband -yes, believe it or driving me crazy to have another one. But, I have lost so much weight it scares the heck out of me to gain weight. I've worked soooooooooooo hard to lose what I've lost and am still not quite…
  • Such dedication! You can tell you were absolutely serious about this weight loss. I wish you could bottle that drive and sell it. Thanks for being brave enough to share these types of photos. I hope to be that brave too. Thanks for the inspiration. You look gorgeous... ...just remember you alone are enough as you…
  • Zara11 raises a good point, you state you are consuming 1200 calories and working out. How many calories are you burning per day with your workouts and are you also making sure you consume those so that your total intake still equates to 1200? I watch Biggest Loser when I am on the treadmill (and watch old episodes when a…
  • Not putting yourself FIRST is what got all of us with serious weight issues in to BIG ( literally and figuratively) trouble. DO NOT GAIN WEIGHT FOR ANOTHER PERSON! If your family loves you and this person loves you as well she will want you to be healthy and not jeopardize YOUR health for her own lack of will. :heart:…
  • :heart: your attitude! You can do this. Your comment cracked me up too..."my mind is right and pretty soon my body will be tight" WTG!! Created by - Calorie Counter
  • I don't know about this but I recently heard that it's ok to mix up your calories ...once in awhile...we can't get carried away..that is what got us all in this mess (LOL); however, our bodies condition itself to a certain caloric intake and when we "mix it up" by eating 1500 cal one day a week instead of the normal 1200…
  • AWESOME!!! Very inspiring...we get one life and we need to make the most of it..sounds like you are not just living life from the outside anymore..good for you!! :heart:
  • WTG! 1 pound a time! :heart:
  • Welcome! I am fairly new as well. I've been using the food logging for quite awhile but just recently started reading some posts and blogs which I find EXTREMELY helpful. By taking the time to read other people's journeys through various stages of it, you get some great advice, tips and courage. I started at 255 lbs...4…
  • Just reading your post encourages me to keep on truckn'...I get so tired of eating the same "healthy" food and working out each day (boring) but knowing the sweet success such as yours could be mine if I keep on track helps. Thanks for sharing and Way To Go!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart:
  • WTG! I think we get so used to having no success that sometimes we even doubt the small moves and progress we make. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF :heart:
  • Holy Lord! Funny you say this..I just had the exact same thing happen last night. I've been losing for awhile now but the whole mirror thing happened to me. I've been working out at home (feels safer and less people to gawk at my fat rolls) Anyhoo...a friend asked me to do this new zumba workout -which I highly recommend…
  • Hi there~ I too gave up full flavored pop a few years ago, then switched to diet and just recently gave up the diet and in short, there is no short cut. You just endure the headaches but they will start to get fewer and fewer until eventually your body will release you of the craving. Just tough it out. I know it's…
  • Hello everyone~ and KristaMc, I have been using the calorie counter/food log on here for awhile now. I started reading several of the blogs and they are so inspirational! I especially look forward to reading Zara11. She is a younger person who lives in NY and she makes me laugh with her candidness about her struggle with…
  • Same here...I'm 34 and am actually more active and healthy than I was @ age 29; however, I've developed a top belly roll! What in the bujeezus is that all about? Craziness...what aging does to the body. We just need to keep encouraging one another and know that ultimately anything we do daily to benefit our health is a…