I am P*SSED at myself!!!!

vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
I have been hearing "Gosh you look great", "You sure are in awesome shape" etc;etc; , got all jacked to attend a wedding today BUT then I stepped on the scale and saw I am up about 4 friggin pounds! I am sooooo p*ssed at myself! No it is not that TOM nor is it water, it is from eating wrong things even though I calculated them! I am so upset that I do not feel like attending a wedding today! Went and ran my 3.25 miles chewing my butt the whole way.. I promise to post in a week to let you all know if the self administered *kitten* chewing helped!!! I truly hope you ALL are doing better than me!!


  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    weight fluctuation is so regular, i wouldn't worry about it. i bet when you step on a scale in a couple days youll be back down. not that losing 5 lbs isn't great, but gaining 5 lbs is really no biggie, and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself after all your progress. your lifestyle is great, thus, so are you! and you will continue to be great!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
  • daywater
    daywater Posts: 20
    Well here is your test. You will not let this set you back in to your old habits that got you in to this mess or you will cave and sabotage yourself. I am seeing patterns of those of us who have lots of weight to lose or have battled it our whole live (not the ones who were sticks, had a baby and are so upset about the extra 20lbs) I know they have their own struggles too but that is a different issue than those of us who have the psychology issues to go with the weight. I know you can push through this, be proud of yourself for the efforts you've put in and do not self sabotage. Keep trucking and forget about this minor set back. Tomorrow is a new day my friend and you are doing awesome :heart:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    ....but if your clothes still fit, you really didn't gain anything.... :ohwell: right? RELAXX!!! It's water weight and you will return to normal by the end of tomorrow or the next morning... trust me!

    Self talk is extremely useful, but try to keep it positive!! My self talk usually goes something like this:

    "Okay, so I had the supreme burrito last night, and now I have to pay for it. I've done great so far, and have come so far in my journey, no sense stopping now, push it, keep it going for just ten more minutes, think of all the wonderful compliments you've gotten up til now, and how fabulous the image in the mirror is, and will be next week, and the week after, think about all the dumb things that people around you put emphasis on but their blackberries and BMW's won't buy them another day on this planet, not like the efforts your putting in right now today, pushing past yesterdays goals, and this is going to help you live longer...."

    you get the idea!