

  • Well, if you know what the unhealthy is, kick it out to make time for insanity and you won't regret it. If you can't stick to the schedule given with the insanity program, design a schedule that will work for you. If you can only make it fit 5 days a week, then follow your five with the program schedule and it will take…
  • Be careful with all the push-ups especially if shoulder problems run in the family. I had to start reducing my push-up load because of unhealthy pain in my shoulder, but simply did some one my knees to modify. My favorite for month 2 is pure cardio. I love that one the most. I love that feeling at the end of not wanting to…
  • Only 4 more days to go in M2 of all this insanity. Honestly, it has been worth every bit of sweat put into it. Some weight has come off during M2, but what I haven't dropped in weight I have gained in my strength. The fit test shows amazing results. On the flip side, I am ready for a change. Any good ideas of what to do…
  • Don't you just love to hate Shaun T. In a couple of weeks they get easier, but it is never easy in my opinion. After starting month two, the push-ups required for day two of month two have just about made my arms fall off. Keep having fun. :)
  • If you are a beginner with the exercise thing, Insanity is not a beginners program in my opinion, so beware of what you are getting yourself into. I am currently starting month two of the program and it is crazy. I went through month 1 twice before moving onto month 2 and I am sure I will be doing month 2 twice also.…
  • Just finished M2 Day 2 and felt like I came into today's workout a couch potato. M2D1 wasn't so horrible bad, but oh my, M2D2 was awful, yet I have this uncanny want to defeat the video and take Shaun T down. Does anybody else just love to hate that man? I wish I had some TV bricks to throw at him at times, but when it is…
  • Are you still pushing play? You haven't posted for a while. Keep going and No Excuses allowed.
  • Just went through month 1 two times and I can say I got a lot stronger, but no pounds came off. My buddies and I went through month 1 two times as we simply needed more preparation for month 2 as we were still struggling with month 1 after the first round. I am getting stricter with my meal plan to keep an eye on my eating…
  • What are you using to determine calorie burn? I just got a fit it and for the core cardio and balance, it show only about 200 calories. As it isn't a real active video, I am thinking it isn't too far off. Part of my want for the fitbit was to get a closer idea on calorie burn because I like to eat. LOL Keep up the…
  • Way to go with the weight loss. A couple of my friends and I have done month 1 twice just because we didn't feel ready for month 2. And really why move to month 2 if month 1 can't be done properly. Anyway, as for the weight loss, none of us have lost weight, but we have all definitely become much stronger and everytime we…
  • I haven't done Turbo Jam, but I absolutely love TF and the variety of workouts it offers within the program. With the regular cardio workouts, the HIIT workouts and some of the resistance training it is absolutely fabulous. You have to really make sure you do the moves correctly to get the full benefit and the "burn" of…
  • I have completed TF and if you are in any shape at all, just start with it without trying to prepare for it. If you follow the program, you will be in it in no time. If you have never completed TF, it is awesome program and will do it again sometime, but needed to go a different direction as get bored easily if in the same…
  • Way to go. Just FYI If you haven't gone long without doing the turbo Fire, I would keep it going with the Chalene Extreme. I have done both and the combination program of the two will make you much happier than just doing the weight training in my opinion. I love both programs and have completed them both with more weight…
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