Haley_Diane Member


  • I'm devouring the book. Seriously, it's such great stuff. I plan to go back though and slow down and read it again. It's one of those books I think where we'll find something new each time we read it. And you are my new best friend. :-) I'm 37. Funny, my husband I I met at youth group. Are we sisters? ;-)
  • This journey we're on is a daily, hourly commitment. As a Mama, you have to give yourself some grace. Your body is still recovering from pregnancy. You've had that adventure twice, and every mama knows that raising little ones is quite an adventure! Your weight loss will be another adventure. You can do this! You have…
  • Cara I'm so excited! I'm reading it on my Kindle and highlighting passages that really speak to me. I'd say about 1/3 of the book so far is highlighted. :-) If it works for you, maybe I'll start threads for each chapter and we can share our thoughts. I look forward to reading different perspectives!
  • Hi, Cara. I have three kiddos as well, but mine are 15, 11 and 5. I feel old now. ;-) I'm an emotional eater as well. I've had to learn that food is just food, not emotions. It's hard for me because when I think of birthdays, or holidays or family get-togethers the first thing I think about is the food. How much there will…
    in Hello! Comment by Haley_Diane July 2013
  • I realize this is an older thread, but I think it's worth reviving. :-) I found Made to Crave free on Amazon a while back. Then I went on an "Oh goodness, there are WAY too many free books on my Kindle" purge and accidentally deleted it. Grr! Just bought it again (It's $2.99 for the Kindle Edition!) and I want to start…
  • Thank you for your reply. We've never, ever used a stroller with our youngest. He's 5 now, and I just carried him in the sling or back carrier. It was a great workout. ;-) I think you're right, the key to this is what I'm eating. Our family geocaches, so we are out walking pretty often. Honestly, it's food and my…
  • I see that it's available for my Kindle. What do you like about it? Is it realistic? We have three kiddos, but they range in age from High School to preschool. Do you think this book would be something that would benefit a family like ours?
  • I'd love a twin. :-) I'll be 37 in a few days. We have 3 children, ranging from a teen to a preschooler. I'm 5'4" HW: Just above 200 when pregnant CW: 170 GW: 140
  • I'm with several of you other Mamas in that I miss the carbonation when I don't drink pop. I've given up pop several times, and really didn't have much of an issue with cravings for the sweetness beyond the first few days...but I missed the bubbly goodness. When I went back and had one after not drinking pop for a while it…
  • Okay, I want to try this! Hope I can stay on the bandwagon...we're going to Disney in a month. Anyone have healthy eating tips at Disney (we're on a dining plan) or is all that walking and chasing our kiddos going to magically melt away those pounds? SW: 170.4 GW: 150.4 I'll have to change my driver's license. ;-)
  • Wow! That was fast! I very much appreciate the support and your kind words and suggestions. I've often considered getting a jogging stroller, I just never have. Finances are tight, but a jogging stroller would be a good investment in my health, and when Mama is healthy and happy, the family does better. Funny thing is that…
  • You've gotten some great advice here! I'll add my couple of cents worth. I haven't ever experienced symptoms to the point that you have, and I'm so sorry for your pain. I used to have a lot of cramping and back pain. I did some research on it and some friends told me that there could be a link between the bleach used in…
  • I bought mine on Amazon streaming. I can either watch it on the computer or on the tv. Quite handy.
  • Today was the first day I did everything! No cheating on the jumping rope, no resting my arms on the side lunges with arm raises. I DID IT!! I'm finding that my cardio is handling the exercise well, my abs don't hurt when I do the crunches! The problems are in my shins when I jump rope and my arms seem to be weak. Biceps…
    in Day 4 Comment by Haley_Diane August 2012
  • Hi, all! I'm a mama to three kiddos and need to get healthier. I've started this workout a couple of times and quickly petered out when confronted with the plank jacks in level 2. This time I will push through! Age: 36 Height: 5'4" Weight: 173
  • I'm almost back down to the weight my drivers' license says I am. :laugh:
  • Weight: 167 Height: 5' 4" Neck: 14 Waist (@Belly button) 43 Hips: 43 (apparently I'm a square...) Arms 12in Count me in with the shy people. I'll post my before and afters together. Maybe. :laugh:
  • I did Day one on Wednesday. I meant to do day 2 yesterday, but had to take my little guy to the ER. I did Day 2 today. My calf muscles were pretty sore, but I don't mind that...it means it's working. The worst pain was from the pushups. I haven't done a push up in a long time. I barely made it through them on day one, but…
  • Hello! I've been on MFP for a while now, and LOVE it! My sisters are almost all on here, and having "The Sistah-hood" keeping each other accountable has been invaluable!! The Hubs and I have three kiddos, and I am sick to death of having my knees and ankles hurt. I'm tired of trying to find clothes that fit, of being tired…
  • Well, I have been working out in the same shoes that I worked out in and did not have pain...but now I have the same pain. I think I'll take out the exercises that really tax my lower legs (jumping, etc) and see if concentrating on not overdoing that area helps. Normal walking doesn't hurt, but jogging does. Argh! I just…
  • Thank you for your reply. The first few days I was fine, when I borrowed my daughter's newer Adidas. Wondering if I should switch brands? No, I have no history of either heart disease or diabetes. Is what I am experiencing what is called a shin splint? It's painful, but I am absolutely determined to push through the pain,…
  • Hello. I am a SAHM of three kiddos. DD is 13, DS1 is 9 and DS2 is 4. Mom tried to teach me to crochet when I was a kid. I made a scarf for the 4H fair, then dropped the craft. My kiddos were all allergic to disposable diapers, so cloth diapers were the way to go. With our last little guy, I decided to teach myself to…