You two look GREAT!!!! Absolutely fabulous. Congratulations on your huge success.
Im excited! I know it will be a great workout. I get bored with regular cardio and all of that stuff. I won't something that will make me sweat and feel like I'm actually doing something.
SO AM I!!!! I know some people who have worked with that and those results are AMAZING!!! And you lose the weight so fast.
Everyone encourage more college girls to sign up so we can get this started :) Im so excited. I think this will be fun.
I'm going to have to try that because I heard it was a good substitute for juice.
I wasn't just isolated to just sodas. I was a mixture of juices, sodas, and water. I'm cutting down to just water (and possible the packaged things without sugar or green tea...depending on the sodium intake though).
Girl between work and school....I'm just like WHERE IS THE TIME?!?!?!
Being on the pill has caused me to get bigger in some areas.....smh! It's all crazy.
I hope I can be JUST LIKE YOU!!!!! Because you look FABULOUS!!!!! I'm amazed.
JAMBA bars!!!!! Go to your nearest WALMART and get you a box (if you like frozen yogurt on a stick)!!!! :) I'm going this evening to get me some. & they are NOT that many calories.
I was attending The University of Arkansas in Fayetteville,AR but after a very tough first semester of college....I decided to transfer back home to East Arkansas Community College in Forrest City,AR. I also switched my major from Social Work to Education (P-4). In August I will be transferring again to The University of…
Everyone be sure to add me as a friend!!!!! I'd love to speak with each of you individually and get to know everyone better. I love meeting new people. It's one of my greatest passions. :)
:) Cool Beans!!!! Would you like to help be a moderator and in charge of the monthly contest?
I'm definietely in on this!!! :smile: This is going to be a great experience.
140 is the place to be!!!! :) It's good because all of us can work around some of the same methods to help get there. This site has given me so much hope but the urge in me to create this group has given me even more hope because now I have a group of girls who are my age that can work with me and help hold me accountable…
Girl.....its FINE!!!!! We are all working towards our dream weight. Some of us are bigger and smaller than others but we are all here to support one another and reach a goal of happiness. I know I'm got a lot I'm working with right now but I'm working towards a toned curvy body....:) I'm going to get there too with the…
So am I! I am preparing today and I officially start tomorrow and I cannot wait.
Oh I'm soo soooo excited that more and more people are joining the group! This group is going to be the group of great changes. As long as we hold each other accountable for each others goals...we will do just fine :) I'm so glad I get to make new friends and weight loss buddies. This will be a great journey!!!!
GIRLLLLL!!!! You gotta be on my team. I feel like you are my twin right now. We have the same CW & GW and those statements you made about your boyfriend...I can relate. My boyfriend doesn't know I'm on a weight loss plan. I've told him about mines in the past but I've always FAILED at them. So this time I just want to…
I'm 5'1 and my goal weight is 150!!! :) I'll be apart of your support system as well.
Thankfully I have Zumba for Wii here at home. How about Leslies Walk Away The Pounds?!
Hi Brittany!!!! :) I have hard about that Jillian Michaels video....I gotta get that tonight when I get to Walmart. I heard you will be so worn out at the end but that's just what I need.
WE CAN DO THIS!!!! I am 185....needing to get down. I was smaller when I first got with my boyfriend (not that much smaller but I wasn't this large either). I feel where you are coming from....I haven't told my bf that I'm losing weight. I'm just going to surprise him with the constant progress of me getting smaller and…
Hey Maggie!!!!! :) Glad to have you on the team. I will be sure to add you as a friend on here.
Girl Jennifer Hudson and her Weight Watchers commercials.......Janet Jackson and that NutriSystem commercial....and Mariah Carey and the Jenny Craig commercial......DON'T NEED THEM!!!!! LOL. We are going to accomplish our goals with the support of real people around us here on MFP! Im excited. As long as we keep…
Hello dear, I will add you as a friend and I will be willing to help you out. YES! It is a hard task but together we can get this done. :)
Hiii I am a college student. I'm 18 and I'm a freshman in college. I can relate to your post a lot. I have never been "skinny" however I have been "healthy" all my life in my weight. I currently weight 185 but I'm determined to get my weight down to at least 150 for so many reasons. Especially being a college student...I…
Yeah...I go to the mall but a lot of times I really only like going with my mom because she understands how I feel concerning my weight. I would always decline going with friends because they always get to pick out the prettier outfits and there would never be anything pretty or a reasonable price my size that was in my…
I'll be here for you and help motivate you to get on the path you desire to be on. MFP has a great support system and people here care about each other. i'm new here but just today I've added many people to my motivation team and I'm glad I have them here to support me in reaching my goal. We will be here for you with…
Hi there! I'm LoLo. I'll support you and be on your motivation team. It's going to be fun and hard work but WE CAN DO THIS!!!