I want to lose weight but the food craving and lack of motiv

:sad: I've never been the SKINNY girl, although i have always wanted to be. I meet my boyfriend 2 years ago and i was 120lbs for my hieght I was still a little chunky but not much. Now 2 years later and living with my boyfriend i have reached an all time high of 180lbs which has been my heaviest weight. I want to lose weight to get my old body back but the cravings for mexican food and cupcakes are terrible any advice?


  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    moderation and exercise....you can find lots of low cal mexican food recipes on the web and cupcakes well you will just have to exercise those off.... substitute healthy sweets for cupcakes....dont keep them in the house...lots of ways to avoid those little cups of trouble... you can do it....
  • lobearjw
    :sad: I've never been the SKINNY girl, although i have always wanted to be. I meet my boyfriend 2 years ago and i was 120lbs for my hieght I was still a little chunky but not much. Now 2 years later and living with my boyfriend i have reached an all time high of 180lbs which has been my heaviest weight. I want to lose weight to get my old body back but the cravings for mexican food and cupcakes are terrible any advice?

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!! I am 185....needing to get down. I was smaller when I first got with my boyfriend (not that much smaller but I wasn't this large either). I feel where you are coming from....I haven't told my bf that I'm losing weight. I'm just going to surprise him with the constant progress of me getting smaller and smaller before his eyes lol. (My cravings are french fries!!!! Fried foods period)
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Look for ways to lighten up what you like. If it's crunchy tacos, try taking all the taco fixings and making it into a salad with a few chips nroken up to get all the flavors and crunch you like with half the calories. For cupcakes, look for alternatives that are more reasonable, or other kinds of sweet things that satisfy for less. Planning your days in advance makes a big difference - it's much easier to say 'no' to that cupcake from the cupcake shop when you know it's 400 calories on top of your lunch. A piece of fruit starts to look much better when I have that information! But, occasionally, you can plan to fit that cupcake into your plan for the day, either by exercising enough to make up the additional calories, or lightening up all your other meals to fit it in.
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Unfortunately motivation is never enough. You have to have commitment as well. If you are committed you will find a way to avoid those temptations, or to make lower cal alternatives. Best thing, don't keep items that are really hard to avoid in your house!!
  • dimoul
    dimoul Posts: 137 Member
    Corn tortillas and any lean meat with fresh salsa, grilled veggies, and salad? Mexican is easy. Remember reasonable portion of beans, sparingly use rice, skip cheese/queso, chips, fried stuff and other high calorie stuff. I eat mexican all the time and I lost 75 pounds last year. You'll be motivated when you realize how awesome you feel when you lose even a few pounds. You may also be not recognizing all the ways extra weight affects your life: energy level, basic daily tasks like tying shoes, getting in and out of a car, not doing activities because they make you tired/out of breath, not wearing certain clothes because of they way they fit, avoiding pictures, lower self esteem, etc...
  • mmonconduit
    mmonconduit Posts: 51 Member
    I still eat Mexican food and cupcakes and whatever else I want and I managed to loose 5 pounds in four weeks. To me being able to eat what I want is the reason why this program works for me. I still stay within my calorie limit by monitoring my portions. As soon as I tell myself that I can't have something I want it even more.
  • cls09
    cls09 Posts: 38
    :sad: I've never been the SKINNY girl, although i have always wanted to be. I meet my boyfriend 2 years ago and i was 120lbs for my hieght I was still a little chunky but not much. Now 2 years later and living with my boyfriend i have reached an all time high of 180lbs which has been my heaviest weight. I want to lose weight to get my old body back but the cravings for mexican food and cupcakes are terrible any advice?

    I swear we are sisters, this happened to me too, same weight and time frame! I started my diet the past Monday and have been craving a lot of particular food but have held off, until today that is. I pick one day a week that I eat the things I have been craving the most and then just workout a little longer the next day. Maybe try a diet for a week, then take a rest for one day, it seems to work for a lot of people. Since today is my off day, I have already been bad but I've noticed that instead of eating a whole hamburger and fries, I only eat about half before I started to feel sick, which I think is great! Just a thought...

    Feel free to add me1
  • jonniemarie1
    jonniemarie1 Posts: 77 Member
    Definitely dont keep the bad stuff in your house.... working out most days of the week usually helps my cravings. The line of gum that makes dessert flavors helps curb my cravings for sweets. also, if you get an awesome tasting protein powder, it'll help you out when you want sweets ( i have chocolate peanut butter).
    as for the mexican food, just make healthier alternatives.
    The more you workout, and the more muscle you gain, the more you can eat =)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Make your own healthy Mexican food. Save the cupcakes for rewards (e.g. lose 5 lbs, have a cupcake). You'll probably be much happier as a thin girl eating a cupcake now and then, than as a heavy girl eating them everyday.
  • gatorgirl526
    One day at a time....exercise, find time for a walk, get a Jillian Michaels DVD, do something and move! Also, you must decide which you want more, high fat and high calorie food....or a healthy skinnier you? a cupcake is fine here and there but you have to exercise if you're going to indulge now and then. Make healthier food choices! Everything in moderation. Have you considered joining Weight Watchers? MFP is a great FREE way to add up your calories and see how much you are consuming and how many calories you burn exercising, use it and hold yourself accountable for your food choices. Good luck! You can do it, it won't happen overnight but...only you can decide to just do it!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • mdspierce1
    mdspierce1 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, keeping this stuff out of the house is the best way to avoid it. Think about what you're craving, too. If you're craving a little bit of spice, keep wasabi peas or dried wasabi edamame in the house to munch on. I bought tiny little ramekins to use for snacks like these so I don't go overboard with them. If you're craving sweetness, buy something that has a little bit of nutritional flavor. I indulge in 2 dark chocolate covered dried cherries or cranberries every once in a while when I'm cravings chocolate. Enjoy the little treat by paying attention to what you're eating. And then when you find a good, healthy mexican recipe, let yourself truly enjoy that too, eating slowly and savoring every bite--you will eat less and will be more mindful about what you're putting into your body.
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    Plan ahead. Log your diary ahead. Eat the Mexican food, just adjust your portions so you stay within range. Exercise more to allow for more calories. You can do it!
  • PrfctGdess
    FWIW, this is what works for me -

    Strive to eat healthier foods and (for now) just keep eating the other stuff too. Cut Mexican and cake back to less than you eat now (so for ex, if you eat one or the other -or both- an average of 5x a week right now, cut it down to 2x a week). But when you're not eating those two things, make sure you're eating as healthy as you can. Lots of salads, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, and limited processed foods. And TONS of water (if soda isn't your major craving, then try to drink as few -or zero- of your calories as possible).

    GET MOVING. Exercise is KEY (as is water) and will help to counteract the stuff you're eating that's not ideal.

    As you exercise and start eating better, you may find the cravings are easier to resist. I found that, at first, I have a hard time giving up the bad foods I crave (for me it's cake). But by telling myself it's OK at first, I found that I start craving it less and less, and when I DO eat junk I don't feel as good as when I eat cleanly, so in turn I don't crave it as much.

    And if that doesn't work for you, then start lowly cutting back how often you eat it (and your portions when you do) and you'll eventually get there. Hope that helps!
  • carpediem4263
    carpediem4263 Posts: 167 Member
    I LOVE tacos so what I do is I use turkey burger or shredded chicken instead of ground beef. I also make it into a salad and break up four or five chips that I sprinkle on top. I also skip the cheese. Much healthier alliterative, but it tastes amazing! As for lacking motivation to work out, try zumba or another fun dance fitness class. I do Zumba classes and I burn tons of calories every time. I love it. Also, take a friend when you work out, it makes it more enjoyable.
  • rescuemom0214
    thank you for all the support. its amazing to know how many people are not only going thru the same thing but , that everyone is so supportive
  • xandra
    xandra Posts: 101 Member
    A book that is helping me a lot is Taming The Feast Beast by J. Trimpey and L. Trimpey. They offer a different perspective on viewing your food intake.