bstall1976 Member


  • How accurate is the scooby site for the very overweight. I way 303 and if i put that in and moderately active, I am a special education aide and on my feet the majority of the day either working on job sites with students or going to classes, and plan on getting back to working out 3-4 days a week like I used to, it says…
  • There is a formula for starting out. You find your 1 rm and use a percentage of that. The second press is Over Head press. For details about what accessory moves to do and what the formula is just Google it.
  • whichever you like and can fit into your daily macros.
  • This one is really good and high in protein. If you cut your cheesecake into 6 pieces you have a piece of cheesecake that is 140 calories and 20 gram of protein. I have made a few different protein powders. The stronger the protein powder taste the better the taste…
  • Iforce Protean, Giant Sports Delicious Tru Nutrition Trutein Dymatize Elite Casein Cellucor Cor Performance Whey Gaspari Myofusion Elite These all taste Great and have calorie counts you can fit into any macro with plenty of protein. I view my protein as a treat when I eat these.
  • Not all schools use the GRE. For my Masters in School Counseling at Xavier University I had to take the Miller Analogies test . I just graduated in May and took the test about 4 years ago and do not remember my scores. Good luck with Grad School. It is a lot of work but well worth it.
  • be careful with the pre packaged low cal sweets
  • Order what you want. There is no reason to order something that you do not want to appease someone else. I find it hard to believe that anyone would be upset if you ordered your salad. After all there is a reason that it is on the menu, people order and it and enjoy it. I think in this day and age when more and more people…
  • So what weighs more 1lb of muscle or 1lb of fat? There is NO way that she is building or adding muscle in 4 days it is physiologically IMPOSSIBLE.…
  • Eat more protein, it will keep you fuller longer and help to maintain some muscle mass with all the cardio you do.
  • I really like any of the flavors from Iforce Nutrition. The Myofusion are really good as well. You can order online for the best prices. other brands to look into. Dymatize Elite Gourmet and Elite XT. BSN syntha6 is really good but high in calories as is Extreme Formulations ultra peptide 2.0. I also REALLY like…
  • Look into programs like strong lifts 5x5 and starting strength. Both have information online. Another very popular option is The New Rules of Lifting for Women. NUMEROUS women have said this book completely changed the way they look at weight lifting and weight loss
  • BSN syntha 6 is a great tasting protein, some find it difficult to fit into their calorie and macro requirements. I really like the new Protean from Iforce nutrition as well as Trutein by trunutrition. If money is a concern i go with Dyamtize elite gourmet or elite xt. All these are whey/casein blends that give you both…
  • He only suggests no animal protein one day a week which is his all veggie day. You can eat all the animal protein you want the other 6 days a week. Not that this is something that i would do, and none of his ideas are new or innovative. It is the same old stuff all over again. Protein with every meal, drink water and eat…
  • Look into Protean by iforce nutrition. The flavors are fantastic and the macros are much better than the BSN. Others to look at are trutein by trunutrition and dymatize elite gourmet and elite xt. I generally rotate through these brands. The Dymatize will be cheaper.
  • According to my bodymedia fit i usually burn between 350-400 cals during my hour long workouts. I do a full body workout now with squats, bench, rows, deads, overhead presses, barbell curls, and calf raises. When i was doing a 3 day split chest/tri, back/bi, shoulder/legs i was burning about the same as the full body. I am…