WiiWiiWii Member


  • I am at the start of my weight loss journey [again]. I'm glad you posted this question because while I know it is important to set short term and long term goals, my eye has been on the big prize and I had forgotten how crucial it is to set short term goals. With that said, my first goal is to lose 20 pounds. I am on a…
  • It's great that you've decided to change your life BEFORE something bad happens to your health. You can totally do it and you've got a ton of support here!!!!!!!! Good Luck! What diet plan are you following?
  • *How cold it gets in the winter. *How you'll go down one size in shoes. *How men don't avoid eye contact with you anymore. *How men and women start holding doors open for you. *How people aren't embarrassed to talk to you about a fattening recipe in the grocery store.
  • How old is your baby? I lost tons of weight breast feeding, BUT THE MINUTE I STOPPED, the weight started creeping back on. Use breastfeeding to your advantage! Your baby will still get the nutrients she needs; your body will make sure of it. My son is 9, so I can't really use the baby fat excuse anymore. Plus, I was fat…
  • Yes, I need friends! haha
  • Thank you so much. I really appreciate your feedback. I made note of what you said and put limes and lemons on my grocery list so I can flavor my water. You're so right about how important it is to log food. I just started today and I'm over 500 calories already. Coffee, creamer, yogurt, 2 slices of organic seeded bread,…
  • I would ask your doctor why you cannot process proteins. I do not think you can gain just by eating carbs. I do think carbs contribute to hunger and protein does the opposite. High fiber can produce abdominal pain as well...
  • I love it. Been on it many times in the past... I am on it now, even after Lap-Band surgery. Their nutritionist are really up to date on everything...I just rejoined a week ago and I've love 7 pounds. Currently the PointsPlus program focuses on protein, fruits, veggies and fiber. Encouraging you to eat protein, by allowing…