new mom..need to lose 60 pounds



  • EllieLiving
    EllieLiving Posts: 1 Member
    Add me! 2 kids, nursing a 3mo old! Lost 50lbs on here before, looking to lose 50 again!
  • WiiWiiWii
    WiiWiiWii Posts: 10 Member
    How old is your baby? I lost tons of weight breast feeding, BUT THE MINUTE I STOPPED, the weight started creeping back on. Use breastfeeding to your advantage! Your baby will still get the nutrients she needs; your body will make sure of it.

    My son is 9, so I can't really use the baby fat excuse anymore. Plus, I was fat before I got pregnant. I was on Jenny Craig, but I was still overweight. Feel free to add me.. I really need support too. I'm starting today. And not doing too well.
  • kris10cass
    kris10cass Posts: 47 Member
    Hi! Mom of a 22 month old. Feel free to add!
  • N3revarine
    N3revarine Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add meeee! I need to lose around 50 pounds to get back to what I used to weigh and it's proving hard. If only losing weight was as easy as putting it on... :/ Good luck!
  • badcompany_78
    badcompany_78 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I am a mom of 5 and 8 year olds! wanted to let you know about something you may not have heard of...
    (even I still have it) it is called Diastasis Recti. it is a separation of the abdominal muscles (which happens to 66% of women) there are videos on youtube and lots of info on pinterest about it. including an easy self check you can do to find out if you are one of them! why is this so important? if you start working out to get rid of your tummy you may want to avoid sit ups/crunches and planks. and replace them with appropriate exercises so that it wont make it worse!
  • kimstanton131
    kimstanton131 Posts: 14 Member
    My little chicks are 9,7,3 and 11 months. Feel free to add me :)
  • dana7dana7
    dana7dana7 Posts: 13 Member
    I have a 4 month old. Breastfeeding! And losing super slow. Your welcome to add me.
  • AngieInFL
    AngieInFL Posts: 1 Member
    Add me, please... I'm new! My youngest is 7 months and I've lost 5 lbs toward my 25 lb goal to get back to where I want to be! I broke my hip at 30 weeks pregnant and had emergency surgery to pin it back together. We're hoping this "temporary" fix lasts a few years, so I have other obstacles to deal with like not being able to lift heavy objects or workout!
  • JaniseCookston
    JaniseCookston Posts: 49 Member
    This will be my third time using MFP to lose weight. Originally lost 30 lbs in 2011 and kept it off until pregnancy with my first baby in 2013. Used it to lose the baby weight plus 10lbs more (total of 25lbs.) Kept it off until pregnancy with second baby. Been using it again for almost two months to get rid of this baby weight, 10lbs down, 15 to go. Hoping to reach my goal weight by our seventh wedding anniversary, April 19th.

    MFP definitely works it's just a lot of work :)

    I've had a slow loss week last week and this week. Currently bummed and needing motivation.

    Maybe we should make a group for all of us
  • Watch_Me_Shine416
    Watch_Me_Shine416 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm a first time mom with a ten month old and still nursing. Losing weight is a lot harder while breastfeeding!
  • emmam1212
    emmam1212 Posts: 67 Member
    Congratulations on being a new mom! I feel like that wasn't me long ago but in reality it was 2 years ago, haha. I'm down 20lbs but still trying to lose the rest of the weight I gained with my twins. Feel free to add me, I'd love to be friends!
  • mumof4monkies
    mumof4monkies Posts: 12 Member
    Hello. Please feel free to add me. I need friends who can help me stay motivated. I have 4 kids and need to lose 75 lbs.
  • Leorah12
    Leorah12 Posts: 6 Member
    Added you i have two wonderful gifts ☺need to lose 85 lbs
  • Katie_Y89
    Katie_Y89 Posts: 330 Member
    Adding as friend!!

    My dd is 14 months and I am STILL trying to lose baby weight! She is my first so I'm a FTM as well :)
    Plus we have the same goal weight
  • Tracy090315
    Tracy090315 Posts: 2 Member
    Me too I have a 5 month old son and want to lose 50 lbs, current weight is 169.4 goal weight is 120-130. It is harder to lose weight with a baby I have to do my work out after he goes to bed at night around 8 or 9 I've found work out dvd's to be a blessing since I have no day care. Its definitely possible just alot harder.
  • Mary090786
    Mary090786 Posts: 6 Member
    My little one is 11 months feel free to add me
  • marybeshara16
    marybeshara16 Posts: 2 Member
    Me too im a new mom need to lose 60lbs
  • Ciara_626
    Ciara_626 Posts: 6 Member
    edited February 2016
    Same here!! My little guy is 5 months old and ebf :) feel free to add me!!!
  • Hirdybird25
    Hirdybird25 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a first time mammy and I have a 5 week old baby. I still need to lose 1 and a half stone to get to my first target. ... then another stone after that. I lost the first 2 stone of baby weight in 2 weeks. MFP says I can have 1200 calories a day (based on 2 lb a week ). If I'm breast feeding, I'm not sure that's enough calories to keep me going. Does anyone know how many calories you should have -while still being able to lose weight?